Thoughts to guide us by (For July 2019)

We all have dreams that were nurtured and dwelled in our hearts and minds since childhood. Dreams that inspire, motivate, goad us to reach our goals, and turn them into reality. Dreams give meaning to life, a sense of purpose ... for they make us focus towards their realization.

Yes! Back-and-heart-breaking hardships and challenges will beset us in our journey – but we must not allow our dreams to fall through the cracks. For, oftentimes, it takes several attempts to attain success. Hitch a ride on the wind to hold on to your ideals. With faith, enthusiasm, perseverance, integrity ... you can reach your full potential.

Charge into the darkness, and become source of light to brighten yours and the lives of the people around you.  We are what we persistently think and say! We are what we choose to be ... for our thoughts define our lives!  At the end, there is no greater joy in life than when our dreams are fulfilled! Dare to dream! Dare to struggle! Dare to reality!

Peace, good health, and abundance to us all!!

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