Thoughts to guide us by (For August 2018)

If we are what we eat, we are what we think we are!  For “as a man thinketh, so is he.” Thoughts can make reality come true... if we focus and work on our  thoughts. The events happening in our lives are offshoots of the thoughts we harbored and labored on!

We are the star in our very own real life story! We write, direct and produce it. Whatever the outcome of our life story is our own making.  We can make our star shine, sparkle, or dull. If what happens is not to your desire... redirect the path of thoughts toward your goal.

 If your mind thinks of failure, discouragement, unhappiness, or any negative thoughts – that becomes your life pattern! Rid the mind of undesirable thought pattern. Deliberately switch them with your desired successful, encouraging, happy and other positive thoughts. Thoughts conditioning and switching can greatly enhance life for the better... even for the best!  Commit yourself to think, speak and act positively! 

Peace, abundance to us all!!!


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