Victims of armed conflict

For more than a couple of decades now, the NPAs in the countryside continue their atrocities. They even conduct economic sabotage which hinders the growth and development of the locals.

Recently, a 12-year-old boy identified as Efren Rule and a soldier were reported dead after around 50 NPAs attacked a military outpost in Bukidnon. The boy was said to be playing near the outpost when the attack took place and he was caught in the incident. The presence of military in the area is to secure the ongoing farm to market road project connecting Bukidnon and Davao del Norte where its contractor, the Ulticon Builders Inc. (UBI) has been targeted several times but refused to give extortion money to the NPAs.

The construction project is part of the basic services rendered by the government to its people, a clear manifestation that the government is doing its best in the service of our countrymen. Unfortunately, the NPAs disrupt this activity to lure the locals and make them believe that government neglects them; that they are left behind, that only the NPAs in the countryside can help them. Eventually, such plea will agitate them with the help of NPAs to go against the government.

This is the sad reality in the countryside. People live in fear and trauma. The NPA atrocities claimed a young boy’s life. Where are you now human rights advocates? Why don’t you cry for justice not only for the death of a minor in an NPA attack but also for the rights of those who live in the countryside to live peacefully away from the harm and danger of rebels. May we all live in peace. – Andrea Florida, Sta. Cruz, Davao del Sur

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