Noble service

Our armed forces and police authorities have much on their hands this typhoon season, as the typhoons that will be coming are much stronger as the world continues with the mutations in climate change.  It is hard enough to think how they juggle combat duty, community and civil works, police duties and at the same time always called to be the first ones to respond to calamities, patrol the disputed Spratly islands, go after rebels, maintain peace and order, with some also acting as teachers in far-away barrios, healing the sick, building classrooms and water sheds, and more.  What a tough job!

As I see it, it is a noble job where men who really want to serve others comes first.  It is a stable job with opportunities for growth if one becomes an officer.  But setting this aside, exceptional men enter the uniformed service with a mission, and this is why they distinguish themselves in service all the time.  These soldiers and police garner, earn awards so deserving, proof that they are equal to the task.  I hope many young men like me will increase their tribe.  I once saw that even young children, when asked what they want to be when they grow up, choose to be a “sundalo” or a “pulis.”

Soldiery and law-enforcement go together in the many seasons of our lives as a nation. — Junior Romasanto, Science City of Muñoz, Nueva Ecija


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