National ID system

Although they say that we have enough identification cards, and the driver’s licenses issued and serving as already a national ID, this may not be enough for not all are drivers, not all have vehicles. The driver’s license as a national ID is not appreciable to all. It is always better to have an official ID system, making each one distinct as an individual and a bonafide citizen of the Republic of the Philippines.

Our nation should go with the times, having a national ID system will be helpful to us. Many are against it for they fear it might break their privacy, and with the government knowing already all about an individual and perhaps even info and secrets will now be open for scrutiny.

But this may only happen if the individual is doing something illegal or his character is in question, and that person should be investigated. Whichever, it is time to support the national ID system and we should all take pride on having one, and very soon. – Sammy Vitug, Batangas City

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