Solis, please stay away from politics

In the article Sanctions poised over lifted photo by Janvic Mateo and Donnabelle Gatdula, Dr. Anthony Leachon, director of UP Manila’s Information, Publication and Public Affairs, was quoted as saying that Mark Joseph Solis “recognized his mistakes and has shown his desire to be accountable” and therefore “we must give him a second chance.”

As a UP alumnus — alas, with the same Political Science degree as Solis — I am appalled by his actions and alarmed at the slap on the hand he might receive just because he has a good record and has taken “full responsibility for a disgraceful action and a grave moral lapse.” 

The statement of Mr. Gregory John Smith, who exposed the fraud by asserting his proprietary right over the photo purloined by Solis for self-glory and enrichment — thus, depriving other more deserving and honest contestants — is more appropriate.  He said, “This kind of apology is easy for any intelligent person to fake according to public opinion and in order to save his own skin.”

The fact that Solis had his letter of apology published first before sending it to Mr. Smith is a testament to the devious, calculating mind of Solis.  Obviously, he did that to prevent negative public opinion from snowballing, especially in the social network.  Well, it has merely inflamed my own sense of propriety.

One might wonder how Solis achieved the many things in his résumé.  How many papers did he plagiarize?  In this period of seeming moral regression, news about young people openly cheating his way to fame and fortune is most disturbing.  I don’t believe this is a sign of the future, but it certainly indicates how far some people will go to achieve their goals.

If Solis manages to wriggle out of yet another misadventure in his storied career, I shudder to think what he may be capable of doing as he further matures.  Please, don’t ever enter politics. — RICARDO T. PAMINTUAN,

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