Remembering Rico Duran with love

I met Rico and his brother Jay, his caretaker since birth, barely 2 months barely two months  before he left for his hometown to Aurora, Quezon Province.

Rico came with his brother, Jay, to our St. Joseph’s Transient Home in August, 2012, sick with Hydrophalus and his face was disfigured with a large pouch grown on top of his nose...a face not comely to behold!! I can conclude that from child-birth, he has suffered this malignancy.

His parents brought him to the elementary school of their place and he finished Grade One and since then he had stopped schooling.

Since then I had watched Rico closely. A very lovable child from whom I learned many values.

He regularly attends our Morning Praise and the celebration of the Eucharist. Mind you, he got to learn our hymns in our ICM (Immaculatae Cordis Maria Congregation) Songbook, and to the amazement of the sisters, and could join us, the 45 sisters of the compound. I can conclude that in spite, of this physical disability, God has gifted him with several talents. Like music. He would visit our Piano Room and often requested me to open the piano, so he could play a few notes of his own. He would freely come to the convent to partake of some sandwiches and cookies during Snacks time and freely chat with the sisters who enjoyed chatting with him.

I know that Rico is deprived of many good things for example, a Jollibee burger with an additional Coke and potato fries. One day, I invited Rico and his brother Jay to the Jollibee just across the street but he was just satisfied with just the potato fries.

Last Christmas, our Mother Superior gifted him with a second hand pair of rubber shoes and long beige pants. He really loves to wear them but mind you, only on Sundays, whenever he attends Mass.

One day, I noticed that his face was rather sad, And I asked him...”Why Rico, what’s the problem?” He answered me in Tagalog...”Sister, naiinip na ako para sa aking may!!” (Sister, I am longing to see my mother!”

His great desire to his mother became a reality when he and his brother Jay left for Aurora, Quezon last April 5, 2013.

The management of ABS-CBN learned about Rico’s condition and is willing to help. Likewise, the TZU-CHI Foundation, a charitable foundation. He truly would be happy if his face could again be restored to a normal condition. But he needs several surgeons to perform the very delicate surgery. All the sisters are storming heaven for this rare opportunity to restore Rico to his physical health!! We pray finally he can be normal again and continue his studies. So be it!!

My very own reflection in my encounter with Rico is that, I, as a religious missionary, longf in my living of my vows, can learn from Rico, as a living witness for me of a childlike simplicity, poverty and detachment.

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