Peace with communists still stalled

Everything seemed rosy and hopeful at the start, with peace talks with the CPP almost on the way last year. But this did not prosper as expected as the NPAs demanded the release of NPA leaders who had criminal charges. They had to be released for they were consultants to the peace talks. And NPAs continued with their attacks, and have even raised its level to more and more attacks, without batting an eyelash their victims rising in number. The AFP data revealed that 53 innocent civilians had been killed in 2012.

“Peace is at a standstill”, according to the government. And who suffers with conflict in the middle but the people especially in communities affected by calamities like Pablo, were these people, the poor victims struggle to survive and move on. This is an appeal to the NPA to help rebuild communities and stop adding to the problems of people in their communities. There is a lot to be done for them.

If armed conflicts continue in communities affected by Pablo and other places, what happens to these people? Soldiers and the government are helping them, but they can only recover if they live in peace, and far from NPAs.

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