Death over a basketball game

A bad call by a referee in a friendly basketball game between the Ilonggo settlers and Moro civilians resulted not only in a brawl but also in the shooting and killing of four persons.

This unfortunate event gives us an expensive lesson. For as long as deadly firearms are in the hands of the protagonists and the fingers are still in the trigger of the gun, disputes, even as petty as basketball bad calls can lead to a deadly clash. 

Which leads us to another issue of grave concern. The peace negotiation might eventually lead to a peace pact but will the piece of document that purports to signal the end of the conflict be enough guarantee that peace will hold on no matter what? If the peace agreement is eventually signed, what will happen next? So far there is no talk yet as to how will the Moro Islamic Liberation Front and the government tackle the issue of disarmament. Will there be any? If there is no disarmament or dissolution of the likes of CAFGUs and demilitarization of areas declared as zones of peace, then what use will the agreement be?

On the other hand, assuming that both sides are in earnest to put an end to the armed conflicts, will not the renegade and radical forces of Umbra Kato who are no longer within the mainstream of the MILF draw the government and the MILF to unnecessary war? When this shall have been achieved the next step will be to dismantle all armed elements and then for the government military to withdraw to barracks. And then keep that panicky finger out of the trigger of the gun. That’s the lesson learned from a deathly basketball game.— RINA DE JESUS, Cotabato City

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