
This refers to the May 26, 2011 article entitled “PIATCO to appeal ruling on NAIA-3” which, among others, expressed the lament of PIATCO over the recent decision in the expropriation of NAIA Terminal 3 as “an echo of the government lawyers’ pleading” and that “it is one decision, yet again coming from the government side”.

The Regional Trial Court which rendered the decision is part of an independent and impartial branch of government and to suggest that the trial court rendered the decision on grounds other than the applicable law and the evidence presented by the parties is an affront to the dignity of courts and the sanctity of the judicial process.

It is unfortunate that after being fully heard on its legal position and evidence and after seeking reliefs from the court in the expropriation proceedings, PIATCO has now expressed doubts on the integrity of the said court for rendering a decision that they believe has put them at a disadvantage.

The OSG sternly believes the decision of the trial court was strictly based on the evidence presented by both parties using well-established rules in expropriation proceedings and Supreme Court decisions involving the NAIA Terminal 3 itself. The OSG presented detailed evidence on the cost of the Terminal based on the evaluation of internationally-reputable airport engineering firms and quantity surveyors. On the other hand, PIATCO did not present any shred of evidence as regards its claims, including bill of materials and invoices.

PIATCO’s reaction to the decision is natural, but as with any litigant, we must be cautioned against “using intemperate and disrespectful language that could impair the independence and efficiency of courts or undermine public respect and confidence for the judiciary.”

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