It's never too late

I am finally sharing my experience so senior citizens like me will be encouraged to study and find hope and consolation in being of service to humanity through education. I went back to school at age 71 and finished my Doctorate in Development Studies at the University of Santo Tomas last April 1, 2006 at age 74. Modesty aside, I graduated cum laude for my oral defense of my dissertation entitled “Charting the Direction of the Ladies of Charity, AIC Philippines”, a service organization. It gave me more confidence in myself and ascertained my belief in my capabilities. I felt extreme happiness in spite of my other achievements in life.

I was prodded by my adviser, Dr. Emily Tan to write on this topic “It’s Never Too Late” to give inspiration to senior women. The paper is also a requirement to be able to teach in the Graduate School. But, here I am sending this article to the Philippine STAR.

I have always been a low profile person enjoying being in the background and pretending to be unassuming but honestly, I love to study and excel. It is my favorite pastime. I had stopped studying for fifteen years for this Ph D degree when my husband was sick. I was busy taking care of him. After his death in 2002, I enrolled and reactivated my units. With my will, determination, God’s guidance and protection, and my family’s support and my good advisers, I was able to finish it. This is not to discount the possibility of hardships encountered along the way. I would include patience and enduring courage that sustained me incessantly.

Here is my advice to success-driven senior citizens like me. Go on. Show the world there is hope as long as there is life. It’s never too late. I’ll attend your graduation if invited, and you know, you’ll feel like you’ve never felt before. Age does not matter. It is the fulfillment that can only be attributed to your attitude in life and faith in God. You will be more loving and more lovable in your ways. Your family, colleagues, friends and relatives will be proud of you.

What a way to reach old age, still serene, dignified and of good service to humanity. Since life is a continuous struggle and challenges are there to find, I would like to add, to make departing more meaningful, leave a legacy by sharing your blessings and success. Let it bear fruit. A grand and memorable celebration awaits you here and thereafter.

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