PWDs should be represented in Congress

MANILA, Philippines - The Alyansa ng may Kapansanang Pinoy (Akap Pinoy), a national Federation made up of 446 national and local organizations of persons with disabilities (PWDs), formed the Disabled Pinoy Party (DPP) which shall participate in the forthcoming 2010 national elections under the Party List System.

The party aims to strengthen and unify the PWD sector into one voice that shall ensure the implementation of R.A. 7277 “The Magna Carta for Disabled Persons”, the United Nations Convention of the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (UNCRPD) and all other pertinent laws, as well as to ultimately work towards the election of representatives to serve in the Philippine Congress.

DPP president Michael Barredo, also concurrent president of the International Blind Sports Federation (IBSA) and Philippine Sports Association for the Differently Abled-NPC Philippines (PHILSPADA -NPC Philippines), hopes that the disabled sector which is truly marginalized, will finally be given the chance and opportunity to take part in the legislative process. To create, amend, repeal laws concerning the disabled, and to have its position or its vote be counted on issues that are of national interest.

”With someone championing our cause,” Barredo says, “ we will be able to push and facilitate pending legislative bills such as the establishment of PWD Affairs Offices (PDAO) in local government units, creation of more Special Education (SPED) centers, and amendment to RA 9064 or the Cash Incentives and Benefits Law for national athletes to include those with disabilities.”

Currently, the DPP is awaiting the decision of the Comelec on its petition for accreditation. Barredo is confident that this will be granted and stresses on the importance of the party being enable to pursue its programs which shall lead to the enhancement of the lives of over nine million Filipinos with disabilities.

Article 29 of the UNCRPD, of which the Philippines is a signatory to and has ratified, ensures that PWDs can effectively and fully participate in political and public life on an equal basis with others, directly or through freely chosen representatives, including the right and opportunity for PWDs to vote and be elected upon.

Barredo reminds all PWDs of voting age and others that have not registered, to do so on or before the deadline of October 31 and to exercise their right of suffrage. — Alyansa ng may Kapansa-nang Pinoy

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