Top student orgs picked for League of Leaders

MANILA, Philippines - In its thrust to empower the youth in pursuing their dreams and passions, Smart Prepaid recently welcomed 10 promising university student organizations into the Smart League of Leaders, an advocacy program that supports college groups in fulfilling their respective goals.

After successfully hurdling a rigorous screening process, the first batch of student organizations to join the Smart League of Leaders are the University of the Philippines Junior Institute of Accountants (UP JPIA); University of the Philippines Advertising Core (UP ADCORE); De La Salle University Electronics and Communication Engineering Society (DLSU ECES); Ateneo de Manila University Association for Communications and Technology Management (ATENEO ACTM) and the UP Business Administration Council (UP BAC).

Also included in the prestigious program are the UP Circle of Entrepreneurs (UPCE); The Ateneo Assembly; DLSU Economic Organization (DLSU ECOORG); DLSU Business Management Society (DLSU BMS); and the Ateneo Blue Symphony.

Brimming with ideas and passion

“Smart Prepaid is proud to support these student groups, which are brimming with fresh ideas and dogged determination to reach their objectives and make a positive change to society. We are impressed not only by their vision, but also by their burning desire to realize it,” said Joel Lumanlan, Smart Prepaid business head.

Under the Smart League of Leaders program, each of the organizations will receive a cash fund of P200,000 for their year-round activities, an infoboard facility for their communication needs, and a ZAPTag card for all their active members to enjoy discounts and loyalty points in partner establishments. 

Smart Prepaid is also set to engage the groups in skill-building activities and mentoring sessions to harness their potentials as groups and individuals.

Investing in the country’s future

“With all these, Smart Prepaid hopes to equip these young leaders with what they need to propel their organizations to greater heights. Smart recognizes that investing in the youth through this program is very much part of investing in the country’s future,” Lumanlan added.

A total of 38 university/college-based organizations in Metro Manila vied for a spot in the program and undertook a stringent evaluation process, including a final campaign pitch challenge in which the groups’ analysis, creativity and innovation were tested. 

“We took a shot at the program because we know our values are very much aligned with the Smart League of Leaders. As the pioneering orchestra in our university, we cultivate the musical talents and passions of students,” said Nathania Chua, the president of Ateneo Blue Symphony.

“Smart’s support will go a long way in providing our group with necessary instruments and trainings so we continue to excel in what we do. It is really a big help in our plan for expansion this coming academic year,” she added.

Source of inspiration and prestige

“For the final challenge, we prepared programs that are both fun and relevant to the youth. We probably stood out because of our innovative approach and our pitch to turn our passions into sustainable enterprises,” shared John Abraham Alsol, UPCE president.

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