The infancy and childhood of Jesus as revealed to mystics

(Part I)

The Spanish Christianization of the Philippines since 1521 has produced a variety of spiritual celebration of the life of Christ. January gathers the festivities honoring the Infant Jesus: the Sinulog of Cebu, the Dinagyang of Iloilo, and the Ati-atihan of Aklan. Thus, the procession of the Black Nazarene commemorating Our Lord’s death is an anachronism of church history. It is meant to be part of the Passion and Crucifixion of Our Lord during the Holy Week before Easter Sunday.

The true account of the Infancy and Childhood of Jesus Christ, of which I write here, is from the compilation of documented revelations to four mystics between the 11th to the 19th century: St. Elizabeth of Schoenau (1127-1164), St. Bridget of Sweden (1303-1373), Venerable Mother Mary of Jesus of Agreda (1602-1665), and Sister Anna Catherine Emmerich (1774-1824). The intimate details of Our Savior’s sufferings and crucifixion are from the book, “The Life of Mary as Seen by the Mystics,” compiled by Fr. Raphael Brown.

The need for discriminating true from false messages

The esoteric teachings point out that the spirit world has positive and negative forces. The negative spirits are usually pretenders, who enjoy stirring up the gullibility of people. They enter a lovely statue of Our Lady, Our Lord or Sto. Niño, and give familiar messages, usually threatening, and fearsome warnings. The true spirits give very sober and hopeful messages. They never cause divisions among the faithful.

It will be wise for one, therefore, to watch out for Sto. Niños, who are gibberish and childish, who keep asking for toys, and goodies to eat. They also make false claims about their power. The real Sto. Niño would encourage people to do their part — by praying. They will not claim to give instant remedy to problems, which petitioners deliberately provoke.

How the Holy Infant guided His Mother

“…Due to the many hours, which Mary now spent at this work, she had to devote more of the night hours to prayer and contemplation. Her divine Son was greatly pleased with the zeal and acceptance of poverty, and wishing to lessen her labor, one day, He said to her:

“My Mother, I wish to make a rule for your daily life and work. From nightfall, you will take some sleep and rest. From midnight until dawn, We will praise the Eternal Father together. Then prepare the necessary food for yourself and Joseph, and afterward give Me food and hold Me in your arms until noon, when you will place Me in the arms of your husband, to give him some refreshment in his labors. Then retire and return to your work, until it is time to prepare the evening meal. And pray continually to the Eternal Father for sinners.”

Whenever St. Joseph wished to caress the divine Child, he humbly asked Mary’s permission and taking the little Jesus in his arms, he was so filled with tender joy and love that he forgot all his hardships and even considered them easy and sweet.

Jesus speaks at 1 to Mary

Until this time, the Divine Child has spoken only to His Mother and only when alone with her. Now, when He reached the age of one year, He decided to break His silence and speak to His foster father. One day, therefore, when Mary and Joseph were talking together with deep reverence about the marvelous goodness of God, the child Jesus, resting in his mother’s arms said to St. Joseph in a clear voice. “My father.” Upon hearing the infant God call him “father,” Joseph, his heart thrilling with new love, gratitude and joy, fell on his knees before Jesus. Then Jesus continued: “I have come from Heaven upon this earth in order to be the Light of the world and in order to rescue it from the darkness of sin, to seek and to know my sheep, as a good shepherd, to give them the nourishment of eternal life, to teach them the way to Heaven, and to open its gates, which had been closed by their sins. And I desire that you both be children of the Light, which you have so close to you.”

Jesus’ tunic and footwear

“Cloth Me, My Mother, in a tunic of a lowly and ordinary color. This alone will I wear, and it shall grow with Me.” Over this garment they shall cast lots at My Death… Men shall see that I was born and wish to live poor and destitute of visible things, which being earthly, oppress and darken the heart of man.

But Mary replied: “My Son and my Lord, Thy Mother has not the heart to allow Thee to go barefoot at this tender age. Permit me, my Love, to provide some kind of covering to protect Thy feet. I also fear the rough garment, which Thou asked of me will wound Thy tender body if Thou wearst no linen beneath.”

“My Mother, I will permit a slight and ordinary covering for my feet until the time of My public preaching for I must do that barefoot. But I do not wish to wear linen.”

Mary therefore set about at once preparing her Son’s robe. She obtained some natural and uncolored wool and spinning it very finely with her own hands, she wove it on a small loom into a one-piece garment without any seam. At her request, its color was changed to a unique mixture of brown and silver-grey. She also made a half-tunic as under garment and a pair of strong sandals.

Although Mary had taken no measurement beforehand, the robe fitted Him perfectly, covering His feet without hindering Him in walking, and the sleeves extended to the middle of His hands.

Jesus helps his parents

Jesus always thoughtfully carried water for Mary whenever she needed it, without her having to ask for it. He also helped St. Joseph, handing him his tools or pieces of wood. When He was old enough, the boy Jesus took His Mother’s needlework to her customers in town and brought back some bread. Occasionally, after a trip to town, He wept over the suffering which He had seen in the city. He then began to visit the sick in the hospitals with His Mother, seeking out those who were most afflicted in order to cheer and console them. Attracted by His charity and sanctity, they often gave Him gifts, which He refused or accepted only for distribution among the poor.

At 12, Jesus begins to preach to the learned Israelites

After Jesus reached the age of 12, the Holy Family made their yearly pilgrimage to the Temple and spent seven days with friends in Jerusalem. But this time, when Mary and Joseph left the city and were on their way back to Nazareth, the Child Jesus withdrew from them without their knowledge.

Then, joining some boys, He went to three schools, on each day to a different one. The questions and answers of the 12-year-old Jesus surprised and irritated the teachers and priests of these schools so much that they decided on the third afternoon to have Him publicly tested in the Temple by their most famous experts, in order to embarrass and humiliate Him. Though they began by applauding the boy’s knowledge, they soon felt a secret envy and jealousy.

They all met accordingly in the great hall of the Temple, where our Lord often taught later on. It was a vast auditorium in which crowds of people circulated casually. Around Jesus were grouped a number of aged Israelites dressed as priests.

He had stepped into their midst with remarkable majesty and grace, and by His pleasing appearance, He awakened in these learned men a desire to hear Him. They listened to Him very intently, but with growing fury.

In replying to their questions, our Lord spoke first about Medicine. Then he took up several matters pertaining to Astronomy, Architecture, Geometry, Mathematics and Law. He was so skillful in correlating these different subjects with the promises, prophecies, and mysteries of the religion, its ceremonies and sacrifices, that his listeners were aroused and embarrassed.

Parents’ influence on the child spiritual formation

Every action a parent does with the child, however simple, it may seem is truly education. It influences a child’s present and future formation.

Thus, the greatest feat parents must accomplish is to initiate their child into a love relationship with God.

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