Careers of excellence through Le Cordon Bleu

MANILA, Philippines - Dione Lucas, Julia Child, Nancy Silverton, Nathalie Dupree, Eric and Bruce Bromberg, Allen Susser, James Peterson, Lydia Shire, Giada De Laurentiis, Gaston Acurio and Ming Tsa: these legends in the gastronomic world and whose names are instantly recognizable to would-be chefs who would follow in their footsteps share one thing in common: they all graduated from Le Cordon Bleu.

Le Cordon Bleu is a world-renowned network of educational institutions dedicated to providing the highest level of culinary and hospitality instruction through its highly competitive programs that meet the highest international professional standards. These same programs make Le Cordon Bleu, in the eyes of industry experts and observers, the recognized guardian of the highly valued French culinary arts that have drawn the devotion of food lovers from around the world for more than 500 years. It has campuses located in five continents — North America, Latin America, Australia, Asia and Europe — and thereby offering global students a choice of cities wherein they can settle down for the next few years to study: Paris, London, Madrid, Adelaide, Sydney, Melbourne, Tokyo, Kobe, Seoul, Ottawa, Lima, Mexico City, and various campuses in the United States.

Students who graduate from Le Cordon Bleu will find that their knowledge, skills, and techniques have given them a distinct edge, setting them apart from the ranks and empowering them to make a difference in their chosen professions in a wide variety of culinary fields, including but not limited to restaurant kitchens, catering, restaurant and hotel management, food journalism, consulting, food service, food styling and education. The Bachelor’s degree program takes three years of study, including one year of paid internship, while the Associate’s degree program can be finished in two years. A student who finishes the former may opt to acquire another two years of academic expertise by earning a Master’s degree including six months of paid internship. Meanwhile, the Certificate program equips the students specifically for a more specialized field, while a Diploma is granted to those who have passed the requirements of one particular culinary course.

Recently the Australian government announced through the Knight Report that students taking up Bachelors or Masters degrees in Australia and taking two or more years to complete them, will be eligible for a two-year post-study work visa. All Le Cordon Bleu degree programs meet these criteria.

Throughout its century-old existence up to the present, Le Cordon Bleu has ensured that its courses remain relevant and attuned to the most urgent needs of the culinary industry by harnessing the finest minds of the profession to mentor the next generation.

International Education Specialists Makati (Inter-Ed) has been working with Le Cordon Bleu for many years now. Their office is open for inquiries and further assistance, Mon - Fri, 8-5 p.m. and Sat. 8 a.m. - 12 p.m. Inter-Ed offers free career counseling sessions and University briefings in their office at 2/F Trafalgar Plaza, 105 H.V. De la Costa St., Salcedo Village, Makati City. Interested parties may call 8191001 or text 0917-5860551 (Globe) or 0939-9142387 (Smart), email intl_edu or visit for further details.

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