Review for realty broker's exam slated

MANILA, Philippines - In response to many requests from prospective examinees, Urban Institute of Real Estate will conduct its three-day special review classes, in addition to its present participants who are taking the required 120 credit-unit training seminars at the Asian Institute of Management (AIM) in Makati City. This is to fully prepare and give equal passing chances to everyone in preparation for the first board examination for real estate brokers to be given by Professional Regulation Commission (PRC) on March 27.

There will be three review sections, two with morning/afternoon classes (10 a.m. to 3 p.m.) and one with afternoon/evening classes (4 p.m. to 10 p.m), all of which will be held at the AIM.

Engr. Enrico Cruz, first placer in the real estate appraisers and brokers board examination, will personally conduct the review to be assisted by lawyer Rex Enrico Cruz III and other real estate experts.

For other details or advance registration, call 5097402 or text “REVIEW plus your name and email address” to 0915-4573596 or 0939-1379242 or 0932-9881162 or email to

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