The Prince of peace

Peace I leave with you, My peace I give to you. — John 14:27


Years ago I came to know a young man who rode with a motorcycle gang. He had grown up on a mission field where his parents served. When his family returned to the US, he seemed unable to adjust to life. He lived a troubled existence and was killed in a street fight with a rival gang.

I’ve helped at many funeral services, but this was by far the most memorable. It was held in a park where there is a natural grassy bowl surrounding a small lake. His friends parked their bikes in a circle and sat on the grass around a friend and me while we conducted the service. We spoke simply and briefly about peace among warring factions and the inner peace that Jesus’ love can bring.

Afterward, a motorcycle gang member thanked us, started to walk away, but then turned back. I’ve never forgotten his words. He said that he had “a putt, a pad, and an old lady” (a bike, apartment, and girlfriend), and then added, “But I ain’t got no peace.” So we talked about Jesus who is our peace.

Whether we’ve got a chopper or a Cadillac, a mansion or a tiny apartment, a loved one or no one — it makes no difference. Without Jesus, there is no peace. He said, “Peace I leave with you, My peace I give to you” (John 14:27). This gift is for all who trust in Him. Have you asked for His peace? — David Roper



Lord, I want to have peace in my life.

To be at peace with You, with others, and with myself. Your Word says that comes from You. Please give me Your gift of peace. Amen.


READ: John 14:25-31


Jesus died in our place  to give us His peace.



The Bible in one year:

• Exodus 25-27

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