When God cleans house

Let all bitterness, wrath, anger, clamor, and evil speaking be put away from you, with all malice.     — Ephesians 4:31


God did some fall housecleaning this week. He sent a mighty wind through our neighborhood that made the trees tremble and shake loose their dead branches. When it finished, I had a mess to clean up.

In my own life, God sometimes works in a similar way. He will send or allow stormy circumstances that shake loose the “lifeless branches” I’ve been refusing to release. Sometimes it’s something that once was good, like an area of ministry, but is no longer bearing fruit. More often it’s something that’s not good, like a bad habit I’ve slid into or a stubborn attitude that prevents new growth.

The Old Testament prophet Jonah discovered what can happen when one refuses to get rid of a stubborn attitude. His hatred for the Ninevites was stronger than his love for God, so God sent a great storm that landed Jonah in a giant fish (Jonah 1:4,17). God preserved the reluctant prophet in that unlikely place and gave him a second chance to obey (2:10; 3:1-3).

The lifeless limbs in my yard caused me to think of attitudes that God expects me to dispose of. Paul’s letter to the Ephesians lists some of them: bitterness, anger, and evil speech (4:31). When God shakes things up, we need to get rid of what He shakes loose.

                        — Julie Ackerman Link

Lord, give me a listening

heart and help me

to cooperate with You when You

point out changes that need

to be made in my life.

I want to honor You

and please You. Amen.


READ: Jonah 1


Christ’s cleansing power can remove

the most stubborn stain of sin.



The Bible in one year:

• Ezekiel 11-13

• James 1

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