Recount if necessary
Abraham was old, well advanced in age; and the Lord had blessed Abraham in all things. — Genesis 24:1
The 2000 US presidential election was finally decided after weeks of recounts, court battles, and controversy about punch-card ballots. Political pundits and comedians had a heyday. Even after the Florida recount wrangling was over, a billboard along a Michigan highway reminded travelers of those post-election days. It carried this clever message: “Count your blessings. Recount if necessary.”
In Genesis 24:1 we read that “the Lord had blessed Abraham in all things.” Remarkable! The brief biography of Abraham’s 175 years (11:29-25:8) reveals blessing after blessing interwoven through all the adversities, testings, and even failures of his life. He received guidance (12:1), the promise of a homeland (13:14-15), great wealth (13:2), success in battle (14:16), an everlasting covenant from God to be his God (17:7), an heir at the age of 100 (21:2), protection for his family (19:16; 20:2-8) — and these are just a few. Many were repeated. Each blessing seemed to add one more fiber in the making of a strong cord of faith.
As we review our years, whether many or few, we can see that same wonderful mixture of blessings, promises, and mercy running through our lives, even the trials and lapses of faith. If we can’t, maybe a recount is necessary. — Dennis De Haan
For blessings without number And the joys they do afford, Accept my deepest heartfelt thanks — I am so grateful, Lord. — Lyle
READ:Genesis 24:1-7
Praise to God comes naturally when you count your blessings.
The Bible in one year: • Romans 12-16
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