Frustrated plans

They were forbidden by the Holy Spirit to preach the Word in Asia. — Acts 16:6

A young man went to college and then to seminary, determined to become a pastor. God blessed his years in school and gave him many opportunities to preach.

After graduation he looked for a church to pastor but couldn’t find one that needed him. So when he was offered a contract to teach in a Bible college, he said yes, still intending to pastor a church someday. But after 2 years of teaching, it finally became clear that God wanted him to be a teacher rather than a pastor.

God sometimes frustrates our own plans as we seek to determine His will. We head in one direction; He blocks our way. Finally we become content to go where He directs us.

Paul experienced that kind of frustration in Asia Minor on his second missionary journey. He headed for the Roman province of Asia, but was “forbidden by the Holy Spirit to preach the Word in Asia” (Acts 16:6). So he and his companions tried to enter Bithynia, “but the Spirit did not permit them” (v.7). So they journeyed to Troas, where Paul learned that God wanted him to preach in Macedonia (vv.9-10).

Is God frustrating your plans? He may be trying to lead you. Be open to His will and sensitive to His guidance, and He will use you and bless you. — David Egner

I want to follow You, O Lord,

Your plans for me I will obey;

So when You close or open doors,

Help me to see Your perfect way. – Sper

READ: Acts 16:6-12

Contentment comes when we want God’s will more than our own way.

The Bible in one year:

• Proverbs 4-7

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