Celebrate together

Make a joyful shout to God, all the earth! Sing out the honor of His name. — Psalm 66:1-2

Holidays hold different meanings for different people — but one thing is for sure: We all like to have a reason to celebrate.

As I stood on a lakeshore one summer holiday and saw the hundreds and hundreds of people boating, swimming, picnicking, or simply walking together, I thought of the value of celebrating important events together with friends and loved ones.

Did you ever try to celebrate something alone? A fireworks display isn’t much fun if there’s no one to “ooooh and aaaah” with. Picnics need people. Birthdays, anniversaries, graduations —they all go better with lots of friends and relatives around.

As Christians, we have much to celebrate — and not alone or just a few times a year! We’re to meet regularly with others who follow Christ, to encourage one another in love and good works (Hebrews 10:24-25), and to celebrate the goodness of the Lord. The psalmist encouraged all people to recall “the works of God” and lift their voices together in praise to Him (Psalm 66:5-8).

Let’s celebrate God’s love and goodness with those who share our excitement. God’s outpouring of His grace, mercy, and daily provision are just a few of the many reasons to rejoice! — Dave Branon

Let us celebrate together,

Lift our voice in one accord,

Singing of God’s grace and mercy

And the goodness of the Lord. — Sper

Read: Psalm 66:1-8

If you know Christ, you always have a reason to celebrate.

The Bible in one year:

• Psalms 120-123

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