Surrounded with songs

You shall preserve me from trouble; You shall surround me with songs of deliverance. Psalm 32:7

In November 1942, the students and teachers of a school for missionary children in China were imprisoned by occupying Japanese military forces. As they traveled toward their place of confinement, someone began singing the words of a familiar song. Soon all the prisoners joined in: “God is still on the throne, and H will remember His own; though trials may press us and burden distress us, He never will leave us alone.” It remained their theme song for nearly 3 years until they were released at the end of World War II.

Their experience reminds me of what David said in Psalm 32. He told the Lord, “You are my hiding place; You shall preserve me from trouble; You shall surround me with songs of deliverance” (v. 7).

When circumstances seen overwhelming, do you have a song you sing? If you’re a Christian, it’s not unusual to have a favorite hymn or chorus that speaks of God’s faithful love and presence. At unexpected moments, the words and music come back to you as a reminder that Almighty God is still in charge, and that He will never forsake you.

If you’ve experienced “a flood of great waters” (v. 6), sing of the Lord’s faithfulness and let Him surround you with songs of deliverance. — David McCasland

God is still on the throne,

He never forsaketh His own;

His promise is true, He will not forget you,

God is still on the throne. — Suffield

READ: Psalm 32

If you’re in tune with heaven, you’ll have a song in your heart.

The Bible in one year:

• Psalms 31-33

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