The one to watch

The eyes of the Lord are on the righteous.   — 1 Peter 3:12

It was a 7th-grade basketball game, and our team was getting trounced. As I watched my son running up and down the court, trying his hardest to get his first junior high point on the hardwood, the score didn’t matter that much. Like all the other parents who had come out on a cold January day to sit on hard benches and watch a less-than-stellar game, I was there for one reason — love. Steve had my attention because I care for him, love him, and want to encourage him. Win or lose, that was my son, and everything he did out there was important. My eyes were on him.

As I reflected on my concern for Steve, I began to see a tiny glimpse of what God’s love means to us. God loves each of His children many times more than we can love our children. And like a dad at a hoops game, God keeps His eye on us at all times. He’s observing, loving, and encouraging us in life’s struggles. He’s there, and He cares. Although He has millions of children to observe, His gaze doesn’t wander (I Peter 3:12).

If life seems frightening, if the opposition seems tough, if it appears that you are losing, remember that God is watching. In His loving compassion, He wants to help. To Him, you are the one to watch.                                             — Dave Branon

The Lord is always watching us —

We can’t escape His gaze;

He reaches out in love to help

His children all their days. — Sper

READ: Psalm 121

Keep your eyes on the Lord —

He never takes His eyes off you.

The Bible in one year:

• Exodus 18-20

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