A good miss

We know that all things work together for good to those who love God. Romans 8:28

I was watching with interest a game in which my grandson Peter was playing. It was his second year of playing T-ball, which introduces six-year-olds to baseball. In this game the ball is placed on a rubber post that sits on homeplate. A baseball rests on top of the batting tee just waiting to be slugged. The youngsters swing with all their might, hoping to hit a home run, but often they miss the ball completely.

This had just happened to my grandson, and he appeared to be very upset with himself. The coach wanted to encourage him, so he shouted, “That was a good miss, Peter!” My grandson had missed, and yet the coach called it “good.”

This reminds me of our failures as believers in Christ. God never calls our sin good, yet He doesn’t treat failure as final. By His grace, He can bring good out of our greatest defeat. In Romans 8:28 we read that God is working all things together for the good of those who love Him. What a hopeful mystery!

If you love God and want to please Him, don’t give up or get down on yourself. Ask Him for forgiveness and for strength to overcome your weaknesses. Trust Him. Let Him bring “good” out of your miss. — Dennis De Haan

Failure is failing to trust and believe

That God can accomplish His purpose through you;

Failure is failing to keep on trying

To do all the Savior has asked you to do. — Fasick

READ: Romans 8:26-34

Failure is never final for those who begin again with God.

The Bible in one year:

• Genesis 33-36

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