Safely secured

Abide in My love. — John 15:9 

On a whim, I bought a red foil balloon at the grocery store. The message “I Love You” streamed across the front in billowy script. As I was loading bags into my car, the balloon’s string slid through my fingers, I stood there watching it float away, and soon it was nothing more than a tiny red dot — finally, just a memory.

Losing that balloon reminded me of the way love sometimes vanishes from lives. Children rebel and distance themselves; spouses or loved ones desert; close friends stop calling.

I’m so thankful that God’s love is steady; it can sustain us when love here on earth drifts away. In fact, it’s so reliable that Jesus invites us to abide in His love (John 15:9). He wants us to know it’s okay to settle in and get comfortable.

We can always remain in God’s tender embrace because “neither death nor life, nor angels nor principalities nor powers, nor things present nor things to come” (Rom. 8:38), or anything else, can ever separate us from His love through Christ. Once we trust Christ as Savior, the guarantee of God’s love is ours forever.

Have you watched love disappear from your life? Rest in God’s affection — His constant care will keep your heart safely secured. — Jennifer Benson Schuldt

More secure is no one ever

Than the loved ones of the Savior

Not yon star on high abiding

Nor the bird in home-nest hiding. — Berg

READ: Romans 8:35-39

Our salvation is secure because God’s Word is sure.

The Bible in one year:

• Isaiah 50-52

• 1 Thessalonians 5

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