
Let not your heart be troubled.   — John 14:1

Our church’s young people did what they could to “construct heaven.” It was time for the spring banquet, and the creative teens used lights, Styrofoam, and other materials to turn the auditorium into their best idea of heaven.

The theme of the banquet was “I Can Only Imagine,” from the song by MercyMe. Our daughter Melissa helped transform the church. When I visited to see how the kids were doing, she was in the rafters hanging stars. The night of the banquet, my wife and I were able to hear one of Melissa’s friends sing the theme song as we all thought about this faraway place called heaven.

Of course, we never could have imagined that Melissa would be entering the real heavens just 6 weeks later. The imaginary would become reality.

Jesus told us about heaven as a way of untroubling our hearts. He said, “Let not your heart be troubled; . . . I go to prepare a place for you” (John 14:1-2).

Heaven is a prepared place for prepared hearts — a place of unimaginable beauty, splendor, and majesty. It’s where God is caring for our believing loved ones, and someday for us. Imagine heaven, and rejoice!       — Dave Branon

The Lord has promised to prepare

A place in heaven above —

A home where we will always be

With Him and those we love. — Sper


READ: John 14:1-6


Jesus is preparing a place for us and preparing us for that place.

The Bible in one year:

• Isaiah 30-31

• Philippians 4

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