Hiding in plain sight

You will conceive in your womb and bring forth a Son, and shall call His name Jesus. – Luke 1:31

A Baltimore congregation found the answer to their financial troubles on the wall of their church. And it had been "hiding" there for more than 25 years! Someone finally recognized a piece of art hanging in the chapel – it was a valuable woodblock print by Albrecht Dürer, dated 1493. The work shows the angel telling Mary she would give birth to God’s Son.

Some members just could not believe they had been unaware of the value of the old masterpiece, saying in effect, "If it were real, why would it be here?"

What about us? Are we overlooking the value of the event depicted on that woodblock print?

Jesus isn’t hiding. The truth that God came to earth in human form is plainly announced in His Word. It is reflected in our art and in our hymn books. But the significance of Christ’s birth is still neglected. We get so wrapped up in activities and programs that we miss the immeasurable worth of knowing who that Baby was.

What’s missing is our worship. Think about the meaning of His birth. Jesus is God! He came to save us from our sins (Matthew 1:21) and give us eternal life (John 3:14-18).

This Christmas, join with the wise men and shepherds and give praise to Jesus – God who became Man. – Mart De Haan

He left His Father’s throne above,

So free, so infinite His grace!

Emptied Himself of all but love,

And bled for Adam’s helpless race. – Wesley

READ: Luke 1:26-35

Christ’s birth brought the infinite God to finite man.

The Bible in one year:

• Zephaniah

• Revelation 16

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