Half-baked Christians

Ephraim is a cake unturned … But they do not return to the Lord their God. – Hosea 7:8,10

The prophet Hosea used the tribe of Ephraim as a poetic representation of the northern kingdom of Israel. In a colorful admonition, he wrote that Ephraim had become "a cake unturned" (Hosea 7:8).

In today’s terminology, the prophet might have said that Ephraim was "half-baked." The people were like a pancake burned on one side but raw on the other. Although they took advantage of the Lord’s goodness, they did not seek Him with their heart. When they needed help, they turned to other sources (vv. 10-11, 14-16). They had become tasteless and useless to God, so He was forced to judge them.

Jesus echoed the words of the prophet. Although He had gentle words for penitent sinners, He gave a scathing rebuke to the haughty and self-righteous who wanted to live as they pleased. He was furious at two-faced religious leaders who talked a good talk but turned around and exploited their followers (Matthew 23:13-30).

God is never soft on sin. He sent His only Son to redeem us from sin’s penalty (John 3:16). Let’s not be half-baked Christians, claiming God’s forgiveness but still living as we please. The only fitting response to God’s mercy and grace is to serve Him in humility and love. – Haddon Robinson

Thinking It Through

What is the basis of our salvation? (Ephesians 2:8-9).

How are we to respond to God’s grace? (v. 10).

How does God correct His children? (Hebrews 12:5-11).

READ: Hosea 7

God’s grace is not license to live as we please – it’s liberty to please God.

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