Yes or no?

This is eternal life, that they may know You, the only true God, and Jesus Christ whom You have sent. – JOHN 17:3

If God were to give professing believers a quiz on Christianity, many would score well. They would be able to answer "Yes, it’s true" to questions such as: Did Christ die for our sins? Did He rise from the dead? Is He coming back to earth?

Pastor and author Bruce Larson says that he grew up saying yes to these types of biblical doctrines. But eventually he sensed that God was asking him some new questions: 1. Will you trust Me with your life, yes or no? 2. Will you entrust yourself to My church family, yes or no? 3. Will you serve Me by getting involved with others, yes or no? Only when Larson said yes to these questions did God become real in his life.

To the religious leaders of His day, Jesus said, "You search the Scriptures, for in them you think you have eternal life; and these are they which testify of Me. But you are not willing to come to Me that you may have life" (JOHN 56:39-40). Jesus was saying, in effect, "You can answer true to many facts of Scripture, but you won’t say yes to Me."

Can you say you agree with many facts in the written Word but you haven’t said yes to Christ, the Living Word? Then do it now, and Jesus will turn your head knowledge into a life-changing heart knowledge. – JOANIE E. YODER

Mere mental assent to the truths of

God’s Word

Is not the response God requires;

Your total dependence on Christ from

the heart

Is what God our Father desires. – HESS

READ: JOHN 5:24-40

It’s not enough to know the facts

of salvation – you must also

know the Savior.

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