For better or worse?

Wives, submit to our own husbands, as to the Lord . . . Husbands, love our wives, just as Christ also loved the church. – Ephesians 5:22, 25

Within a chip slot of our house is a golf course. When I stand in my backyard, I see ponds waiting hungrily for my next errant shot. At times I can imagine sandtraps and trees joking about my bad days.

I mention the sport with mixed feelings. I like the golf occasionally, but living so close to the course reminds me of my failures in playing the game, which has its disadvantages.

A similar problem can occur in marriage. Sometimes a husband and wife can lose sight of the hopes and dreams they once shared. Then the very presence of the other becomes a source of irritation, a reminder of past failures and disappointments.

When the apostle Paul wrote his letter to the Ephesians, he asked husbands and wives to turn their thoughts to their relationship with the Son of God (5:22-33). In Him we find undying love and forgiveness for our failures. In Him we find Someone who loves to forget the worst and bring out the best. He reminds us not of what we’ve lost but of what we have yet to find.

Forgive us, Father, for focusing on our flaws and failures rather than on the love of Your Son, Jesus Christ. Help us to rediscover our spouse in the light of our Lord’s great love for us. – Martin R. De Haan Ii
Reflecting On Marriage
As a couple, recall the hopes and dreams you had when you were first married. Name some that have come true. Share with each other your hopes for the future.


Marriages may be made in heaven, but they have to be worked out on earth.

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