ADMU, Miriam and UP: Joint Statement on the Misuse of Public Funds

We, the Presidents of the Ateneo de Manila University, Miriam College, and the University of the Philippines, join our faculty, staff and students in their deep concern about, and condemnation of, the misuse of public funds by unscrupulous government officials and their conniving associates. We stand in unity with a keen desire to end the deeply entrenched culture of graft, corruption and patronage in our political system.

We assert that accountability, transparency and other principles of good governance require not only the prudent use of discretionary funds but also the assurance that public funds are used for the genuine needs of our people.

We strongly urge our national leaders from the executive, legislative, and judicial branches of government to re-examine their use of discretion in the allocation and use of public funds, to probe into the deeper roots of the pork barrel scam, and to address in particular the culture of corruption that destroys our selves and our communities, especially the poor.

We express our deep gratitude to all those who, driven solely by pure motives and love of country, participated in the “Million People March” all over the country for their courage, vigilance, and leadership in spearheading the new moral revolution against corruption in our country. We join their voices and demands to open all government records for public scrutiny and punish all those involved in the misuse of public funds.

We ask that the institutions tasked by law to ensure accountability in the public service, such as the Ombudsman, Sandiganbayan, Civil Service Commission, Commission on Audit, Department of Justice, and the Senate Blue Ribbon Committee, expedite their investigations and immediately file the appropriate cases against public officials involved in corruption. No effort must be spared to ensure that those accountable for these crimes be punished at the soonest possible time.

We support the call for greater re-channeling of public funds to basic social services, particularly education and health care, so that public investments promote inclusive growth and long-term human and social development.

We call on our faculty, staff, students, and respective academic institutions, as well as those of other colleges and universities, to analyze the various issues related to corruption and public accountability, such as the extent of discretion exercised by government officials in the use of public funds, the implementation of projects, the public accounting system, and public budgeting; and to discern from this analysis the solutions that are actionable and sustained. We call on you to mobilize and participate in activities that will allow for greater discussion of accountability, such as classroom discussions, forums, and mass actions.

By these actions, may we, as institutions of higher learning, continue to do justice to the values that we hold dear – “service of a faith that does justice”; “truth, justice and peace”; and “honor and excellence” – in the service of true participation in nation building.

Jose Ramon T. Villarin SJ, President, ADMU; Rosario O. Lapus, President, Miriam College; Alfredo E. Pascual, President, UP

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