Ang hyperopia naman ay long sightedness dahil ang eyeball is too short from front to back and the light rays from distant objects reach the retina before they meet thus the lens can accommodate enough for sharp distance vision but not sharp near vision. Eyeglasses at contact lenses din ang remedyo rito.
Ang astigmatism naman ay sanhi na tinatawag na misshapencornea. As a result of the abnormal shape all the light rays from an object do not come together at one point in the eye. Some rays may focus on the retina but others may meet before they reach the retina or they may reach retina before they meet. Both distance and near vision are blurred in most cases and usually the patient suffers eyestrain or headache. Para malunasan ang astigmatism, salamin at contact lenses na may cylindrical component ang inirerekomenda ng mga opthometrist. Para sa karagdagang kaalaman sa mga naturang eye vision defect, tawagan ni Dr. Cataquiz sa 532-9015.