Sing a song, every day

Want a way to make your day as happy and pleasant as it could be? Studies have shown a very easy, free, fun way to help ease the bumps on the road of life … SINGING! Let’s sing:

Sing, sing a song! Sing out loud. Sing out strong.

Sing of good things, not bad. Sing of happy, not sad.

Make it simple to last your whole life long. Just sing, sing a song.

Let’s make the world sing along with us, to sing of peace and goodness for everyone, sing of love and gladness for you and for me. Yes, sing a song as often as you can… every day!

Even if you’ve got a singing voice that only you, your mother or partner can tolerate, if not even like. Hahaha! It’s a good tonic for the body. Releases tension, stress in the mind. It does unimaginable wonders to the whole being.

When taking your morning shower, sing! Singing while showering clears and washes your mind on the inside, as the soap and water cleans your body. Singing helps set the mood for a good and brighter day… pleasantly, happily, positively. Not just for yourself, but for everyone you get in contact with… since your mood carries and influences it all! Happy singing, everyone!

Peace, good health, safety, abundance to us all!

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