
Many times we hear people say “a year from now you wish you had started today.” Most of us set our eyes on specific goals and as time goes by, it is our hope that such goals are achieved.

These days have been very challenging for all of us as quarantine limits our goal setting “status.” Sometimes it changes all together. I have encountered a lot of people saying that they have somewhat lost their motivation. In other words people are bored at home.

Being productive energizes the spirit and it continuously teaches us to push in order to evolve into our better selves. The key word for me here is “push.” It takes a lot of discipline to push yourself into doing something better.

But “pushing” yourself entails creativity too. On a regular day, being creative in the routine can already be challenging, but it is what is needed in order to reach our goals. This is so even in our personal lives.

While staying home saves lives as they say, we also want to be productive just the same. Creative ways in the routine helps us become more productive and therefore makes life more satisfactory.

While achievements can define either our academic or professional lives, productivity helps us to fully understand what it means to have quality of life. Patience and slowing down helps us to find our center and it is in this place that we start to appreciate what we can do more of, or what we can do less.

Having compassion for loved ones also leads to a more productive life.

Our busy days take us away from the opportunity to be still and just “be” and the past months may be trying to teach us that being still is helping us to improve other aspects in our lives that needed much attention. Such discoveries help us to set better goals and become more focused in things that lead us to our authentic selves.

Managing what you have rather than wanting to do more creates productivity and better balance. There is a big difference between being productive and being busy and business brings forth the dreaded stress. Focusing on productivity helps us to understand our goals and by this we learn to understand that meaningful work is not only gratifying but also great for our wellbeing.

A personal meaning in every task is great not only for the body but also for the soul.

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