Beautiful seasons’ message

It is four days before Christmas and the Christmas spirit really permeates the hearts and minds of most of us. This is truly the time of the year when people shed off all forms of selfishness and ill feelings they nurture, and instead share whatever blessings they have. Hopefully, this kind of spirit will be with all of us through all the years of our life. And this will come true if we always bear in mind that God indeed loves us by sending His only Begotten Son Jesus Christ to be among us now and forever. We should always bear in mind the humblest way that Jesus came into this world. He was conceived of the Holy Spirit and born in a lowly manger of the Blessed Virgin Mary betrothed to St. Joseph.

In preparing and paving the way for the coming of his Beloved Son, God first sent the precursor of good tidings, St John the Baptist. In one of his exhortations to clear the path for Jesus Christ, St John reminded by saying: “Don’t be a bully. Do not bully anyone. Don’t use your power to coerce people. Don’t use arms to level false accusations against others. Do not belittle others. That you are in high office does not mean you have the right to trample others. You will never be happy that way.”

Plainly and clearly, Cardinal Tagle is not referring to any particularly person here. In fact he was merely quoting a passage of the Holy Scripture relevant and useful during these times of the year when we are preparing to commemorate the birth of Savior and Lord Jesus Christ. Yet there is one individual who is evidently with a “mental disorder marked by systematized delusions especially of grandeur or persecution,” who felt alluded to and immediately lashed out at the good Cardinal. I will not name him anymore because everybody knows who this guy is. To be sure, he may now be feeling alluded to.

Anyway, it may be useful and relevant for all of us to preserve and maintain the Christmas Spirit for the rest of our life, to adopt and live up to this beautiful message of our Pope Francis who reminds us that “Christmas is usually a noisy party: we could use a bit of silence, to hear the voice of Love. Christmas is you when you decide to be born again each day and let God into your soul. The Christmas pine is you, when you resist vigorous winds and difficulties of life. The Christmas decorations are you, when your virtues are colors that adorn your life. The Christmas bell is you, when you call, gather and seek to unite. You are also a Christmas light when you illuminate with your life the path of others with kindness, patience, joy and generosity. The Christmas angels are you, when you sing to the world a message of peace, justice and love. The Christmas star is you, when you lead someone to meet the Lord. You are also the wise men, when you give the best you have no matter who. Christmas music is you when you conquer the harmony within you. The Christmas gift is you, when you are truly friend and brother of every human being. The Christmas card is you, when kindness is written in your hands. The Christmas greeting is you, when you forgive and reestablish peace, even when you suffer. The Christmas dinner is you, when you gave bread and hope to the poor man who is by your side. You are, yes, Christmas night, when humble and conscious, you receive in the silence of the night the Savior of the world without noise or great celebrations; you are a smile of trust and tenderness, in the inner peace of a perennial Christmas that establishes the Kingdom within you. A very ‘Merry Christmas’ for all those who look like Christmas.”

And so, as we go on with our celebration during these last few days before Christmas, we should firmly resolve, always keep in minds and hearts, and live up to this beautiful message of our Pope for the rest of our lives in this world. We should all look like Christmas by shedding off any and all anger and bitterness we have against each other arising out of pure and fanatical loyalties to a particular person or leader and instead promote love, truth, justice and peace throughout our land.


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