What’s worse?

What’s worse: when government agencies or LGUs under spend or when they try their hardest to spend all the money allocated to them so the Department of Budget and Congress does not penalize them by reducing their allocations?

I was once down south where a government agency had hosted a two-day training event. But one day into the program, I noticed that the organizers were simply surfing through and inserting topics and speakers like it was some party game. Mid-way through day one, I even found myself getting a break and an unexpected “city tour” while an official over extended his talk. By evening, I felt something was really off and so I diplomatically investigated why the organizers didn’t seem to be all business for such a conference.

I discovered that the event was a last minute solution on how the government agency could use up their excess funds for training and development that they failed to plan for and use up. This was their way of preventing the Department of Budget and Congress from reducing the next year’s budget because of under spending. Since then I have seen a number of government activities both local and national all for the purpose of spending the unspent. Recently I noticed a number of seemingly ok roads now being ripped up for two reasons: they don’t want to have surplus budgets and because elections and election bans will start being enforced. As a result contractors and city engineers are now ripping up roads months earlier than necessary all because of election bans.

Given how transparent and stringent most government biddings are, is it really still necessary to impose bans on biddings and awards of projects around election time? The only thing that those bans achieve is to force the proponents to start earlier, start demolitions way in advance of election ban and extend the suffering or inconvenience of the public.

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After months of wondering why the DPWH and local governments have been digging up and constructing super sized drainage canals around Barrio Kapitolyo and the bottom of Shaw Boulevard, my wife Karen pointed out the need due to the dozens of building and hundreds if not thousands of condominium units that have popped up all over a 2 kilometer radius.

While the super sized canals might be a big help to thousands of new residents coming in the next two to three years, the question is how will LGUs deal with the added garbage, traffic and parking issues not to mention the needed personnel on the ground. Now would be a good time for legislators to consider the environmental as well as social impact of allowing the unlimited construction of condominiums and town houses that easily double if not exponentially multiply the burden or demand for water and space as well as peace and order. Very little is being done about zoning regulations and it is frightening to consider that once those vertical communities are established, unlike Boracay, you can’t simply shut it down and then regulate. Zoning rules have to be put in place now or Metro Manila will surely turn into a modern ghetto!

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Local politics have really heated up in different parts of the country where the worst takes the form of assassinations. But in other areas, the carrot and the stick method seems to be the preferred tactic. Someone recently told me about the all expense paid trip of local officials upon the invitation of their Mayor. The trip was apparently a regular thing paid with taxpayers money but this year, even the less important councilors were included indicating that the Mayor wanted to insure his re-election against a tough opponent.

Another Mayor is reported to be “reminding” employees and constituents alike that if he is not re-elected, chances are their children who are benefitting from scholarship funds may no longer get them under a new administration. He also reminded them that if he wins and finds out that certain individuals did not support him, their scholarships will be cut.

This is just one of the many reasons why I have always suggested that Governors, Mayors and Congressmen should have no participation or involvement in funding local schools and universities as well as scholarship programs. Any and all funds pertaining to education should solely be under the control of the Department of Education and/or the Commission on Higher Education. I have heard of so many complaints where local officials meddle in the selection or appointment of teachers and principals as well as family relationships being used against educators related to opponents of the incumbents. Liberate our schools, teachers, students and scholarships from TRAPOS and political dynasties!

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How well does Grab monitor the vehicles in their stables?

While waiting for my Grab ride on different occasions, I’ve noticed as well as heard two complaints about Grab vehicles. One is the varying degrees of tinted windows on some Grab vehicles which at the very least can be dizzying for some riders with prescription glasses and at its worst, a risk or safety issue for riders who can’t be seen from outside the vehicle. While tinted vehicles may work from the sense of security of private car owners, it is the reverse for Grab passengers as well as the police and local authorities who should be able to look into said cars for safety and law enforcement considerations.

Another matter of serious concern is whether Grab requires their drivers to undergo testing or test drives to determine their proficiency in driving? Are they also trained on the basics of First Aid or how to respond in an emergency such as an accident or medical situation involving a passenger? Don’t shake your head because I recently rode a Grab car and had the frightening realization that the driver from Grab did not know how to shift gears while we were on the Skyway!  I also sensed fumes coming into the air conditioning system. I’ve come to appreciate Grab when in need but that recent experience was scary!

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