Thoughts to guide us by (For November 2015)

At the end of one’s  earthly journey,  those left behind and mourn are blessed and comforted.  In those trying moments, God, our Greatest Comforter,  provides the much-needed solace and strength.

Take comfort that our departed loved ones could be our angels watching above us – so that when the sunset of sorrow befalls …  look by your side,  God’s  angels  are there to comfort and strengthen you.

When the heavy rain pours, look for a rainbow.  When darkness looms,  look for the stars.  When time of dire needs descends, look up for your angels for help and guidance.

Though no longer with us,  our departed loved ones’ thoughts, and fond memories shared with us  will linger  still and  echo in our hearts – as we remember their good deeds, kind words, fun,  laughter. May the hard-fought battles they won,  and the-uphill obstacles they successfully hurdled  be  our  guiding stars to  inspire us.  

As we pay homage and honor them, offering flowers and lighted candles … spend  precious-reminiscing moments in silence  beside them … to  say our sincere-loving  prayers.   Grateful  for the  BEST  time  shared  together.

Peace and abundance to us all!


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