The BOI Report – a farce?

Did the architects of the Board of Inquiry Report on the Mamasapano nightmare, a law enforcement operation by the PNP Special Action Force to arrest terrorists Zulkifli Bin Hir (Marwan) and Abdul Basit Usman do a good job? I guess it depends on who reads it. The group seems to have been very conscious of what the public wants to hear and what the President wants the report to contain. The report had a good area of flexibility for the President to interpret it in whatever way he most wanted the tragedy to be ‘presumed’. Susmariosep!

It is very clear in the report that the BOI “failed to secure an interview” with the following key personalities: (1) Philippine President Benigno Simeon Aquino III; (2) Ex-Philippine National Police Chief Alan Purisima; and (3) Armed Forces of the Philippines Chief of Staff Gregorio Catapang. This is a crucial report for the nation. Why didn’t the three key figures give time to this investigation? It was also stated that other concerned AFP officers refused to be interviewed despite BOI’s request. Sanamagan!

At the end of the day, it is clearly stated in the report that Oplan Exodus was approved by President Aquino; implemented by then suspended PNP Chief Alan Purisima and SAF Director Getulio Napenas; and excluded PNP Officer-in-Charge Leonardo Espina.

The BOI Report was submitted to Department of Interior and Local Government Secretary Mar Roxas last Thursday by the BOI Chairman P/Dir. Benjamin Magalong. After reading the report which clearly shows that the President used his executive powers to break the chain of command and allow his friend, suspended PNP Chief Purisima to be a part of the mission, Secretary Mar became defensive. He right away said that the president had ‘no liability’ over the tragic event and instead blamed the suspended chief who he said failed to follow the President’s instructions. This clearly shows the public what a softie and coward Mar Roxas is. Why doesn’t he stand up to the truth? Why should he cover up for a national disaster? Surely his life is consumed by politics. What a guy!

Amidst this circus and hullabaloo, we need to hear from Ombudsman Conchita Carpio Morales on the status of Ex-PNP Chief Purisima. We also need to know what actions the government will take against him. On the other hand, DOJ Leila De Lima needs to make a non-biased statement in the aftermath of this investigation. If they keep their mouths shut and evade the issue, the public will be very disillusioned. More importantly, who should deal with the President? Who will put him in his right place even if he continues to deny to high heavens his involvement and tries to wash his hands in innocence by pointing his fingers to the other players?

It pains me to see P-Noy making all these desperate moves to get out of this mess. Why doesn’t he just apologize to the Filipino people for such a blunder. That speech he delivered at a religious gathering last week was so unbecoming of a president. By the way, was that meeting orchestrated by the Palace in its efforts to look for venues that can be used by P-Noy to defend himself? Sanamagan! How can a suspended PNP Chief take action just like that without a call from a higher authority? How can the PNP or the AFP for that matter easily break the chain of command which is protocol without a higher force giving the go signal?

This reminds me of the 5th emperor of the Roman Empire, Nero Claudius Caesar Augustus Germanicus. He was known as “Nero.” During the Great Fire in Rome in 64 AD (of which by the way, many believed Nero himself had started), Emperor Nero “fiddled” while Rome was burning. In the history books, it states that Nero was believed to have captured Christians, dipped them in oil and then set the fire in his garden at night as a source of light. I know this sounds crazy but P-Noy’s actions in the past months have shown us how detached he is from reality, a sort of Nero syndrome. He only wants to believe what he wants to believe, having a narcissistic behavior. His irrational and bizarre behavior puts the country in an unsettled, troubled and tormented state.

In times of difficulty and chaos in the country, a President is expected to stand up with dignity and decide for the common good. He should not be seen in any way as a weakling, losing a good grip of everything, and ending up in a never ending parody of lies and more lies. Unfortunately, the more P-Noy speaks the more our hearts become troubled. He no longer inspires. As a matter of fact, his indecisiveness has demoralized the people.

What was he thinking when he admitted being fooled? He sounded more like a ranting, stubborn, spoiled brat, not presidential for that matter. He should stop scolding, insulting and demeaning our men in uniform. He should rise above whatever emotional baggage he is carrying right now and lead everyone back to his so-called “tuwid na daan.” He should exude positivity more than negativity.

The sad part is how his jesters continue to amuse him by giving in to his whims. Susmariosep! His family and friends better kick in to the truth and help him realize what a mess he has created for the country.

I’m glad that Walden Bello has shown some guts and is man enough to leave politics and think of country. When will our politicians ever say “enough is enough Mr. President!” Clearly, we can see the true colors of our leaders who choose to be blind.

When will our politicians ever show the citizens, their constituents that service to country matters first before politics? When will they ever heed to Manuel Quezon’s words, “My loyalty to my party ends where my loyalty to my country begins”? We are hungry for noble men who will think of the country’s future, their families and their children. Why be hypnotized by money, power, lust and greed? Only people without a God are vulnerable to the seven deadly sins. I hope that during this period of Lent, our leaders are able to reflect and see God’s light working in their spirits.

Tama Na, Sobra Na!

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