SAF 44

The massacre of 44 police officers of the PNP- Special Action Force “inside MILF” territory is not the first time and it won’t be the last. What is disturbing about the recurring slaughter of government security forces is that the MILF officials treat it as a simple case of mis-encounter or trespassing. Apparently the MILF are strong believers of “Shoot first —  let them ask questions later.”

Belated reports claim that there were 340 SAF personnel in pursuit of two foreign terrorists being protected by the BIFF. Judging from the high casualty rate, not to mention those wounded, it would seem that they were ambushed or over-powered by an extremely superior number. The MILF claim that the PNP SAF came in at 3 a.m. which made it difficult to determine their purpose or which force they were. If that were the case how then did the MILF manage to kill 40 to 44 specially trained rangers unless they were trapped and slaughtered. In fact initial claims of survivors state that the MILF shot survivors at point blank range in the face and stripped them of their belongings. Do we still call that a mis-encounter?

Second to the sin of shooting first and asking questions later is the undeniable fact that the MILF are coddlers and protectors or at the very least are collaborators with known enemies of the state such as the Abu Sayaff, Jemaah Islamiyah. Foreign terrorists all of whom serve as bait that lure government forces into unchartered territory that keeps getting bigger and bigger and that the MILF has claimed ownership of. The MILF demands that government security forces or law enforcers coordinate with them, but the sad fact is that government forces can’t coordinate with them because targets always disappear.

If the MILF were truly sincere in the matter they could easily boot out the terrorists and criminals or arrest them, try them and decapitate them. But that will never happen because it would be a crime and betrayal to turn in your relative or your neighbor. It seems that the only criminals in their mind are those who do not share their faith or their struggle and this is why there will never be peace in Mindanao. 

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The idea that the government would hide the children from the Pope certainly leaves a bad taste in the mouth and would stir up indignation from anyone with a social conscience. On the other hand, while the intentions of the DSWD were impure if not wicked, the beneficiaries at least had a few days off and hopefully got to sleep on real beds and ate warm food on plates. The strategy was also one of “hitting two birds with one stone” that removed the street kids from the list of security concerns and possible embarrassment during the papal visit. The problem with the excursion, as shown by various TV and radio interviews, is that a few days in heaven only serves to make hell more painful afterwards and heightens the hunger, poverty and bitterness. 

Unfortunately critics have focused on one instance (incendiary as it is) and not on the big ugly picture where hundreds if not thousands of street children are homeless, abandoned, abused, and in the words of “Glyzelle,” fallen into drugs and prostitution. To criticize the P-Noy administration for being liars (that they are on occasion), intellectually dishonest (that is a recurring behavior) or socially bankrupt (from time to time) because they hid street children during the Papal visit is nothing more than another convenient opportunity to pick a fight. Granted that the issue is correct, the concern for the poor and street children is simply incidental. It makes critics look like opportunistic opponents who are merely looking for an excuse rather than expressing a long-term and sincere concern for homeless children.

Let this ugly incident be the light that leads all of us to really do something for the poor and the homeless children instead of shoveling so much bull shit and throwing criticism and lies in public. If you care, then be the agent of change and not of chance. As for the apologists at the DSWD and Malacañang, please look at the mirror three times a day and measure your noses. Intellectual Dishonesty just like technical malversation is a crime.

Instead of spending money for cover-up excursions, the government should build national or regional centers similar to what was once called “Welfareville” or Boys Town where homeless children can find a home, an education and protection. The national government used to take ownership of the problem until that accursed law called Local Government Code gave the national government an excuse to wash their hands of the responsibility and devolved the problem and responsibility to local governments who in turn claim they can’t just absorb kids or people who are not their constituents!

Even among non-government organizations there are so many NGOs soliciting money to adopt a child or enlist foster parents, but the ugly truth is all of these happen within their comfort zones and established procedures so much so that most of the street children are unseen even to the do-gooders who drive by them. NGOs also don’t have the legal authority or police power to round up or pick up street kids and vagrants. So in the end the good Samaritans have to wait for kids to come to the door or be brought to the door. But the DSWD and the police have all but stopped doing that except in “No choice situations.” And please don’t try turning the tables on me because you might embarrass yourself. I’ve long been pushing for children’s facilities and supporting poor kids. So put up or shut up!

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