Crime pays after all in this country

This past week, I came across two conflicting reports that make me wonder which is more credible of the two. I am referring to the news about some suggestions of high officials in the administration to make pork barrel mastermind Janet Lim Napoles a state witness. I can’t help but find this deplorable. If this is true, she will get a free pass because there are bigger fish to fry? While this may be true, I can’t help but feel upset that she will not have to answer for her own sins as long as she turns over everyone involved with the scandal.

It reminds me of a full-blown scandal recently about an AF general who was court martialled and found guilty of absconding with the savings of retirees, booted out of the military, and placed under quarters for four years. He was finally released after returning part of the public funds he reportedly stole, but sent back to camp after a higher court reversed the earlier decision exonerating him.

It just seems to show that crime really does pay in our country. Can we honestly name one high-profile criminal that was made to pay for his or her crimes? We have cases that have gone on and on with no justice and we just end up getting so tired of waiting that we eventually move on. Or, we actually catch a criminal – usually due to much public clamor and fanfare – but nothing still happens. They either give in evidence for immunity or serve a measly few years in jail and then get some high-powered attorney or worse, a judge, to eventually let them out when the public has “forgotten” about them.

The worse part about all of this is that in most cases we know exactly who the guilty parties are. We just don’t/can’t do anything about it. Case in point, the Maguindanao massacre. This has just gone on and on and we keep waiting for some real justice to be served but until now, it seems we are waiting in vain. When will the red tape, bureaucratic circus end and someone finally be held accountable for all those lives taken in cold blood that horrifying November morning? Will it happen ever?

Not to mention, once we actually catch a high-profile criminal, we automatically go through the song and dance of putting them in the best “jail” or holding facility. Usually what happens – and it’s pretty much like clockwork in this country – is that once we catch someone, they are transferred to various jail cells and spend a little time there until they develop some ailment or illness that requires them to be moved to a hospital. Then we usually see them running around in a wheelchair with all sorts of health problems. Funny enough, when they were not caught and out spending ill gotten wealth or doing whatever other crimes they were committed for, they were in perfect health.

Which brings me back to the current sideshow in town – Napoles. She’s been transferred to a holding facility but news is out and about again that she needs air-conditioning in her cell because of some illness. That just seems so convenient. And again, if ever she does turn state’s witness, does that mean she just walks away scot-free? Still with all the money she allegedly stole from the people?

Justice Secretary Leila de Lima should be commended for coming out with a firm stand on this, saying that suspects who are arrested or give themselves up willingly can only qualify to become state’s witness if they are found to be the least guilty of a crime. Additionally, they can only barter for a lighter sentence for their testimony if their testimony is an absolute necessity. This means there is no other evidence and their testimony is needed to get a conviction.

If we think about it, Napoles does certainly fit the bill though. Even if she profited from stealing taxpayers’ money in bogus non-government organizations, she still only made 40 percent of the total amount. The other 60 percent wound up in some government officials’ pocket. They should be held liable for their crimes. They need to be the ones to answer to the people that they swore to serve.

So, does that mean it is worth it to let a smaller fish go (or at least serve a much lighter sentence) in order to catch the bigger ones? As much as it disgusts me, especially when we are presented with the lavish and ostentatious way the Napoleses seem to have lived with the people’s money while so many of our countrymen end up eating rice and tuyo for dinner (if they have anything at all), I suppose it’s worth it. The real cause of this evil – the real corruption has to be exposed to the light of day. It’s time, especially if the current administration is deadset on achieving their current policy of zero graft and corruption. Those stealing from the people must finally be held accountable for their crimes.

So that just leaves us with the question of whether or not this will all actually happen? It’s hard to hope, only to have that hope for justice dashed to the ground once again. After all, lets face it, those who are at a risk for being exposed stand to lose everything and they will not go down without a fight. Call it a conspiracy theory if you want, but I truly hope Napoles stays alive long enough for her testimony to see the light of day. I truly believe the threats to her life are credible. She has gloriously managed to anger every single person around her so it is not surprising at all that her safety is compromised.

That’s another problem our justice system faces. Not only do our criminals walk free but also our witnesses always seem to magically disappear. You’ll see it in the news one day that the witness for this or the whistle blower for that is suddenly missing or worse dead. It would be laughable if it weren’t so sad or so true. How many witnesses have ended up dead or missing forever? And what happens to their testimony – it just disappears with them. I think Senator Miriam Santiago is correct is stressing the fact that Napoles’ testimony as soon as possible is absolutely necessary. The process of her possibly turning state witness must be undertaken quickly and transparently so that they can secure her testimony before she too, magically goes missing.

There is just so much that needs to be done to get some sort of justice from this unbelievable scam that goes just about as high in the government as one can only imagine. Do we dare hope that for once, justice will prevail? Our track record is against us, but it’s also possible that maybe, just this once, the people are angry enough to see this through and not let it go quietly into the night. I think we owe it to ourselves and to our children to demand that something finally be done. I guess only time will tell if this is going to be different or become just another example of crime going unpunished.


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