BOC reshuffling

Commisioner Biazon is reshuffling the Kings of the BOC and for what? These kings will just carry over their dastard corrupt practices and bring them to their new hunting grounds. Even if they are evaluated every three months and fail, they will just be reshuffled again and the hunting party goes on. Biazon should get rid of these people and bring in honest public servants then evaluate them. Starting fresh is what PNoy wants, not perpetuate old corrupt traditions in the BOC that is as old as time itself.


Sandy Antonio

City of Naga, Cebu


Insulted again


Whether we like it or not, it is a fact, a very sad reality. This has been the case for the last six years, the whole French community residing in Cebu and the rest of Visayas were not invited to the celebration of the National Day last July 14 for the simple reason that the organizer(s) continue to ignore and neglect them as if they did not exist at all. A very strange and unexplainable attitude repeated each year by the authority who has the duties and responsibilities to take care of their national citizens.

What have those non-invited French citizens done for getting such disrespectful treatment?

Why is it that only very few French nationals are selected for such important celebration? What are the criteria to be able to join the celebration? What are the valid reasons to justify such repeated insults year after year? Why does the French Embassy in Manila not take any action to put an end to such irresponsible and unacceptable situation?   Where is the true meaning of the French motto "Liberty, Equality, Fraternity?


Jean Michaut

Cebu City



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