Candidates who deserve to be in office

It is typically not my habit to dwell on political issues and as much as possible, I try to avoid writing about it if at all possible. However, when I feel our country’s future and the future of our children are at stake, I believe it is my duty and obligation to have an opinion and share it with the public. There are so many vital issues that mean a lot to our people and they should consider these when electing our public officials in May. For this reason, I am devoting some space to those candidates whom I feel deserve the people’s mandate. I am referring to former senators Ramon Magsaysay Jr. and Juan Miguel Zubiri, Congressman Teodorico “Ted” Haresco of Aklan, and former Cavite governor Ayong Maliksi.

If there is one shining moment in these coming elections, I believe it is these four candidates who have served as outstanding examples of good governance and will continue to do so. They deserve to be back in public service. I feel they have already proven their honesty, skill, and ability to serve their constituents in the past. I think they will do even better in the future if given another chance in office. Magsaysay and Zubiri have already demonstrated their worth as public officials and devoted their short term in the Senate to work for the passage of vital measures instead of grandstanding to the public to attract votes. For me, too much noise and too little action is the height of hypocrisy.

Many will agree with me that Ramon Magsaysay and Migz Zubiri are distinguished public servants who are willing to take risks and put themselves out there to serve the Filipino people without much fanfare and publicity. I know this because I know them both personally and have had the chance to discuss their plans with them. Plus, these officials are unlike many others who simply rely on their fame and fortune to get votes. They pretend to be “old lifelong” friends with influential people to get popular but drop them like hot potatoes when they finally step into office or keep them waiting for the next appointment or lunch that will never come. In other words, there are too many user-friendly politicians and these are not the type of people who I believe will serve selflessly.

Jun Magsaysay carries the name of an illustrious father who unfortunately died at a relatively young age at the height of his popularity. His father served the people too and was a great leader and a rare breed of politician. Many may not remember him save for as a name in their history books, but I do and I believe the name Ramon Magsaysay can fit right in with other incredible world leaders like Abraham Lincoln and John F. Kennedy. While Jun Magsaysay believes it is important to uphold their family’s legacy, he has also become his own man as well. While keeping up the virtues of trust and integrity, he has striven to create a niche for himself in the world of politics. He was elected to the Senate in 1995 and has served two terms in the Senate. Though he went back to the private sector a few times in between, he has always had a place in his heart for politics and I believe that if given a chance by the voters, he can still do great things.

On the other hand, younger neophyte and former senator Migz Zubiri is one of the most productive and hardworking public officials I know. Granted he has had his share of getting dragged into negative press, I think it’s also important to remember that he has continued to do so much for the people. He makes it a point to talk to everyone, not just those in high positions. And unfortunately he has had his share of intrigue but I believe his character has never been in question. He has handled the negative as well as possible and I know he will continue to work hard and effect change if given the chance to go back to the Senate. He may not be doing as well in the polls right now, but there is still time for that to change. As far as Zubiri goes, I wish the people would take the time to do their research before jumping to conclusions about him. If you actually researched, and I mean really researched, you will see all the good he has done, policies he has passed, and changes he has made. Unfortunately many people only look on the outside — at the headlines and the fighting news. I believe we will miss out on a good public servant if we don’t look deeper. Migz always makes it a point to reach out to the people and get a pulse of the nation and I feel he will continue to do so if we give him a chance.

That actually goes for all the bad press you see about politicians during the campaign period. A lot of money is going around and a lot of things are being said. Don’t just believe everything you read and hear, do your research and really find out which candidates are the ones you feel will make good leaders and really listen to the people.

Kasangga party-list Representative Ted Haresco of Aklan is a dedicated member of the House of Representatives and I believe stands out among the 280 duly-elected members for his dedication to his work and to bettering the country. He has already done a lot while in office including legislative initiatives that promote and help micro and small entrepreneurs, as well as championing the environment and making vast efforts to promote clean and green programs like his solar powered tricycle and legislation to exempt users of electronic vehicles from the payment of the road user’s tax. As a popular columnist also wrote he also “seeks to provide additional protection to the elderly from crimes commonly committed against them.” He has done good things but for me, one of his greatest battles was when he stood up on the floor against a senator from a well-known family who felt he had all the answers.

Lastly, let me mention one of the candidates in Cavite — a well-known “hot spot” during most elections. I am referring to Ayong Maliksi who is, again, running for governor. I first met Ayong when he was already the governor of Cavite. My first impression of him is that he is an outstanding leader with a humble connection to his constituents. Some quarters have labeled Maliksi as the “white knight of Cavite politics” and I have to agree with that. His vision has been to awaken daily heroism in his fellow Cavite citizens. During his term, Cavite was cited for having the country’s highest Human Development Index (HDI), a human-oriented measure of development. He sponsored 45,000 scholars and provided scholarship grants to 15,000 students. He also modernized the General Emilio Aguinaldo Memorial Hospital. He has always done his best to improve the lives of his beloved province mates. It truly takes someone who knew poverty when he was younger to be familiar with the daily struggles of the ordinary people and know how important change can be for them in every day life. He knows how important it is for hardworking students who want to make a better life for themselves.

I hope I have helped shed a little light on candidates who are my personal choice for the upcoming elections. While everyone may not agree with them, I don’t worry about that. We are all entitled to make our choices and I would never begrudge someone their right to choose who they feel is best just as I expect others to respect my freedom of choice too. As I mentioned earlier, the choices we make in May will affect our lives so it is important we truly make an educated choice. Don’t let anyone tell you how to think or who to vote for. Do your research and ask any question you want answered. You may be surprised at what you find. As for me, I know what type of men and women I want in office. I want sterling examples of good governance that look out for the people and the nation first. With politicians like these I believe we can build a better society that will continue to get better long after we have gone.


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