History unfolds: Pope Benedict quits today

Today, the world will witness history in the making as it is the day that marks the end of the Pontificate of Pope Benedict XVI when he renounces his Petrine Office tonight at the Vatican. The last time a Pope had resigned was in 1415 when Pope Gregory VII agreed to resign as part of a negotiated deal with the Council of Constance to unify the Papacy, which for close to 40 years was ruled by two Popes… one in Rome, Italy and the other in Avignon, France. History therefore unfolds right before our very eyes, especially in this wired world of satellite television, the Internet and cellular telephones where the majority of the people of the world would know in an instant any breaking news happening around the world.

The last Pope to die was Blessed Pope John Paul II who died on April 2, 2005. As the legend goes, when the Pope dies, the Carmelengo runs the official affairs of the Vatican. No the Carmelengo is not an acting Pope; he merely is in charge of the funeral arrangements for the dead Pope and prepares the Conclave to elect the new Pontiff. The Carmelengo cannot even change the rules of the conclave, which is based on Canon Law.

It was the Carmelengo (who is supposed to hold a silver hammer to tap the head of a dead Pope three times if there would be a response or not) who stood beside the dead Pope John Paul II and asked, “Karol” (Pope John Paul’s baptismal name) three times but did not use the silver hammer to confirm that he was officially dead. The Carmelengo then proceeds to break the ring of the Fisherman as it is the symbol of the authority of the dead Pope and then he seals the Papal Residence until the new Pontiff is elected.

That’s how it was when Blessed Pope John Paul II died. This is where Vatican history takes a different path. In fact, one of the last official instructions by Pope Benedict XVI which he Motu Propio signed only last Feb. 25 was to do away with what the late Pope John Paul II instructed before he died, that the conclave to elect a new Pope must begin 15 to 20 days after his death. The new instructions are… the conclave can start immediately as there will be no funeral arrangements to wait for. The ring will be broken.

The conclave is usually held inside the Sistine Chapel and done in secrecy. In one of Pope Benedict’s instructions it reads, “During this period, the entire territory of Vatican City and the ordinary activity of the offices located therein shall be regulated, for the period mentioned, in a way that ensures the confidentiality and the free development of all the undertakings connected with the election of the Supreme Pontiff. In particular, provision shall be made, with the help of the Cleric Prelates of the Chamber to ensure that no one approaches the Cardinal electors while they are being transported from the Domus Sanctae Marthae to the Apostolic Vatican Palace.”

With “Vatileaks” scandal and the arrest of Pope’s personal Butler Paolo Gabriele and conviction to a reduced sentence of 18 months (whom Pope Benedict later pardoned on Dec. 22, 2012) still fresh in the Pope’s minds, he is trying to ensure that there would be no leaks within the conclave. Indeed, at least the secrecy within the conclave has been kept.

This is why even with the political maneuverings, you will not read any article or book or see any TV interviews with Cardinals or their seconds giving away information as to what happened inside the conclave… or an article that would reveal a runner-up to the new Pope… where more often than not… people would say that he would have made a better Pope.

Here’s the oath that those inside the conclave in the Sistine Chapel would take with their hand in the Bible, “I… promise and swear that, unless I should receive a special faculty given expressly by the newly-elected Pontiff or by his successors, I will observe absolute and perpetual secrecy with all who are not part of the College of Cardinal electors concerning all matters directly or indirectly related to the ballots cast and their scrutiny for the election of the Supreme Pontiff.

I likewise promise and swear to refrain from using any audio or video equipment capable of recording anything which takes place during the period of the election within Vatican City, and in particular anything which in a  way, directly or indirectly, is related to the process of the election itself. I declare that I take this oath fully aware that an infraction thereof will make me subject to the penalty of excommunication ‘latae sententiae”, which is reserve to the Apostolic See. So help me God and these Holy Gospels, which I touch with my hand.” This is on pain of self-excommunication!

So let history takes its course as we see for the first time in more than 600 years a Pope leaving the Papal office alive. In the case of Pope Benedict XVI… henceforth he shall be called Josef Cardinal Ratzinger. While he will not take any part of the coming conclave, he would certainly be a great adviser to the new Supreme Pontiff, whoever he shall be.

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