Pathetic best describes P-Noy’s adversaries

Not to take away due credit for expertly handling the puny attempts of his political adversaries, President Benigno S. Aquino III (P-Noy) has got to be the luckiest person. Some believe that his parents must be pulling some strings for P-Noy from where they are now.

Why is P-Noy the luckiest political player here at this time? Well, it’s because he is being opposed by substandard adversaries, many of them already discredited in the eyes of the Filipinos. Not only that — their recent actuations had demonstrated mindsets so deeply immersed in hate and venom. Clearly they’ve lost sight of reality and are practically peddling fiction.

Pathetic exhibit #1: The CBCP January 28 Pastoral Letter

Acting as if they don’t have enough problems with a dwindling flock all over the world that’s further aggravated by a dwindling number of people entering priesthood, the Catholic Bishops Conference of the Philippines (CBCP) has opted to dabble in the dirty realm of politics. When they should be addressing their problem to become more relevant to the spiritual needs of their flock, they’re now actively linking with dubious groups that are seeking to undermine the P-Noy government.

Dissect the January 28 CBCP Pastoral Letter and you’ll see that only around 40 percent was about spirituality while 60 percent was about Philippine politics. A Facebook friend posted this comment after reading the Pastoral Letter: “What planet did these guys come from?” The CBCP was describing the present state of affairs under P-Noy as if we’re on the brink of a social explosion, as if there have been no giant strides accomplished in the war against corruption, as if the economy is contracting instead of the very impressive growth figures that has been racked and as if the 2010 first fully automated elections was the dirtiest in the country.

Probe further and you’ll see that the CBCP has opted to retell the storyline of the P-Noy haters, most notably the Left and the S4S (Solidarity for Sovereignty) that’s been linked with former president Gloria Macapagal Arroyo (GMA). Their disgust over the way P-Noy defeated them on the RH Bill must have clouded their minds — and so they’ve now resorted to rehashing fiction that Filipinos didn’t bother to buy from its original authors.

The Bishops who crafted this Pastoral Letter should have considered that the sales pitches of the Left and the S4S didn’t create a market impact. Why should it now make an impact if repeated by some Bishops who have also been discredited for accepting incentives from the GMA regime and have remained silent over the many transgressions of their patroness?

Perhaps they were imagining themselves playing the role of Jaime Cardinal Sin, a major mover behind the People Power Revolution. They forgot one big difference — Cardinal Sin fought for the popular truth while they’re associated with unpopular falsehoods coming from dubious groups.

Pathetic exhibit #2: Gwen Garcia

Cebu Governor Gwen Garcia and her UNA (United Nationalist Alliance) supporters thought that they could project her as a ‘martyr’ of the P-Noy administration. Well, P-Noy wasn’t born yesterday and he knew better than to accommodate them. They also forgot that P-Noy’s DNA is traced to real martyrs of democracy.

P-Noy had the legal position secured. The fact that the Court of Appeals refused to issue a TRO (Temporary Restraining Order) would underscore the strength of the government’s legal position against Garcia. The case against Garcia was valid and it didn’t even emanate from the P-Noy administration but was filed way before P-Noy was on the radar screen as a 2010 presidential candidate.

Instead of sending the police forces to the Cebu Capitol in order to evict Garcia — P-Noy sent the police forces to ensure that no untoward incident happened there. It’s part of the political black operations game to instigate incidents — self inflicted wounds, as it were — that would be blamed against the P-Noy government. P-Noy made sure that there was no opportunity for that.

Instead of evicting Gwen Garcia, P-Noy secured Gwen Garcia at the Cebu Capitol. Gwen Garcia was allowed to stay for as long as she wanted. To be physically evicted was something that she and her UNA supporters must have been wishing P-Noy would order. Instead, she was locked out after she opted to leave her office.

Pathetic exhibit #3: The Left

No political group could be more pathetic than the Left. At a time when China is poised to take over Philippine territory, maybe even the whole country, if we make the mistake of provoking them, the Left has been agitating for a cancellation of the VFA (Visiting Forces Agreement). The average Filipino knows that it’s only the US that China will respect militarily, and so to them the Left is seen as working for China when they call for the revocation of the VFA. The Leftists can’t hope that Filipinos will join them in their endeavors. Filipinos may be lacking in opportunities but certainly not lacking in brains.

When you persist in selling products that were never bought from the shelf, you’re really pathetic if you think that these will sell just because you’re now the new salesman.

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Shakespeare: “Madness in great ones must not unwatched go.”

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