Continuing the good fight

It is hard to imagine, and even harder to accept, that our President and many of our lawmakers are under the thumbs of outsiders trying to impose in our land their global population control program through the RH bill, providing for the use of contraceptives or artificial birth control methods already proven to have dire consequences on the life and health of our people and on the moral fiber of our family and society. The ill effects of contraceptives are no longer a debatable theory, but proven facts shown in western countries that adopted them.

The saddest part in the current happenings is that our President and legislators seem to be more concerned with the immediate passage of this bill than the devastating calamities occurring elsewhere in our country, as they continue discussing it and pushing for its passage amidst the raging deadly typhoon “Pablo” in Visayas and Mindanao, wrecking havoc on the lives and properties of our countrymen there.

Another very distressing aspect here is that our President sees nothing wrong with this foreign intrusion pressing for the passage of this bill to promote foreign interests, but considers it “not good” for the Catholic Church working against its passage to protect our people from its ill effects on their physical and moral life. The impression conveyed is that our President would rather be pressured by foreign lobbyists out to facilitate monopoly of global resources by controlling the population growth of least developed countries like the Philippines, than be intimidated by Catholic Bishops who are just trying to preserve the culture of life, the solidarity of the Filipino family and the physical and moral well being of our women and children.

It seems that P-Noy is not well versed on the real nature and purpose of this bill, or his advisers have not fully apprised him about it. This observation is confirmed by his recent move urging the members of the Lower House to vote on the bill according to their conscience with this particular question: “Can your conscience tell a 16-year-old who is pregnant with her second child that you didn’t do anything by delaying the vote on the RH bill?”

Obviously P-Noy does not know (or is feigning ignorance?) that even without the RH bill, the problem of the 16-year-old girl can be solved already. There is the Department of Health (DOH) with a budget in billions of pesos for the reproductive health and medical services which can assist her and the child in her womb. The Department of Social Welfare and Development (DSWD) can also provide some temporal assistance to the girl and improve their living conditions in the Baseco compound with the help of the government housing agencies. Besides the Baseco compound situation is not the typical situation all over the country. It only confirms the fact that our problem is not overpopulation but over concentration of population. 

Posing such question in pushing for the passage of the RH bill undoubtedly shows that P-Noy and the Lower House of Congress still adhere to the foreign lobbyists’ claim that the solution to our poverty problems lies in controlling our population growth especially the poor sector. They still refuse to see that our growing population is not a hindrance to our economic growth. In fact the Philippine economy reportedly soared to 7.1% in the third quarter even as our population continues to grow although at a slower pace. Hence, as pointed out by a reader, Mr. Dennis Yu in his well researched paper on the RH bill, the Senate version does not anymore mention the typical justification of “population-control-to eradicate-poverty.” The version only refers to reproductive health per se.

 But nothing good will come out of this bill no matter how it is worded. Even if it will no longer refer to the foreign imposed population control and just limit itself to responsible parenthood in planning a family and to the reproductive health of the women, it will still bring the same evils now plaguing the western countries because the means to achieve the objective are still the same: distribution of contraceptives and sex education.

These evil effects are not just mere conjectures or speculations subject to debate for they are already happening in places using these two methods. Rampant in those places are: abortion which have already been legalized by altering the scientific fact that life begins at conception; promiscuity among teen age girls resulting in unwanted teen-age pregnancies inevitably resulting in abortion; broken marriages resulting in divorce; disintegration of families that is often the cause of violence in communities. With the contraceptive mentality, our nation will also eventually have the demographic problem of an aging population with no more children being born like Singapore and Japan.

 We are indeed undergoing one of the darkest periods in our life as a Nation with the kind of leaders in our midst holding the reins of power as they vigorously push for the passage of a foreign imposed bill that will bring in the culture of death and cause moral decadence in our society. With this kind of leaders calling the shots all that we the people can do is to hold on to our Faith that God through our Blessed Mother Mary will spare us from this contraceptive scourge as we hope and pray that the powers that be will have a change of mind and heart; that they will find the courage and the grace to resist this strong foreign pressure imposing on us this RH bill; that they will finally realize the harm to be wrought upon us by this bill is far greater than the supposed good, if any, it will bring.

But even if our leaders will not have a change of minds and hearts, we will not give up. We will not allow evil to triumph by doing nothing further.

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