Of heroes and heels, and Petron's advertisement

As a concerned citizen, I shall momentarily veer away from my usual subject (the performing arts, particularly music) and dwell on the country’s current triumphs and travails. As I see them, of course.

There was such an unprecedented outpouring of praise heaped on Jesse Robredo after his passing because he was a rare man: an honest government official of unwavering integrity.

Those who consistently render the country honor are the athletes: boxer Manny Pacquiao, billiard players Efren “Bata” Reyes and “Django”, chess player Wesley So, among others.

Bonding through violence is ridiculous. Absurd! Within the period of seven months, hazing claimed two lives. Ironically, institutions whose students hold initiation rites consistently deny their involvement in the rites, claiming they are totally against violence. Yet, they cannot stop these rites or their tragic consequences. Obviously, their efforts to stop these rites have been futile through these years. Whatever laws there are against fraternities are ineffective.

When the brutal, sadistic rites lead to the death of neophytes, the vow of secrecy among the fraternity members should be lifted immediately because their silence is a cover-up of the crime and of criminals. And just as significantly, those who remain silent inevitably become criminals themselves.

The coming elections will be computerized, and those in-charge claim computerization will prevent cheating. Let us hope so. Overwhelming electoral irregularities in the past will fill volumes!

Meanwhile, illegal logging and indiscriminate throwing of garbage everywhere cause flooding which renders thousands homeless. Perhaps, to minimize the latter, instructional leaflets could be distributed in the slum areas whose residents, out of ignorance, are the main culprits. However, even the better-educated and the well-to-do are as much to blame for the enormous litter. This proves how gravely unconcerned most of us are about the environment.

I am often asked: “What is your impression of P-Noy?” I have never met the man. His mother and I went to the same school (SSC). That is as much as I can claim about my relationship with the family. President Aquino seems absolutely in earnest about imposing daan matuwid; he is governing the country as best as he can. However, he occasionally seems indecisive, particularly when an issue concerns his close friends. But I am all for supporting him in his determination to run the government with integrity.

It is saddening to note how some associate justices be have toward Chief Justice Lourdes Maria Sereno, decrying the fact that P-Noy went against tradition by not naming the most senior as chief justice. After all said and done, P-Noy had the right to appoint Sereno chief justice. The dissenters, exhibiting sportsmanship and discipline, should recognize and respect Sereno as their head. The justices should close ranks if they love their country whose interests are far more important than their own.

Further, in answer to the derogatory remarks voiced against Sereno, two former associate justices, one of them being Florentino Feliciano, in a joint letter to the Inquirer, heap glowing praise on Sereno, eloquently commending her past record as associate justice, including her integrity, her innovative, courageous, inspiring indicial measures. Need anyone say more to the dissenting justices?

Finally, plaudits to Petron for the advertisement it airs over radio. It is a prayer of the driver who asks for the divine intervention and enlightenment he needs so he can take his passengers to their destination safely. The prayer an advice against his speeding and the violation of traffic rules which will endanger passengers.

There is something that might be urgently added to the prayer. The driver should remind himself not to drive when he has had a drink too many. He should also check his brakes and his tires before setting off on a trip. How often accidents occur owing to drunken driving and to defective tires!

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