The other face of Andrei's death

No matter how noble their goals are, I’m just scared to join whatever fraternity group. Well, there are probably other fraternities that don’t hold absurd, death-causing initiation rites. And then there are those that sing songs of death for new recruits. It’s a gamble. And the choice to take the risk is ultimately up to the next in line. Unfortunately, for the gamble and risk that San Beda law student Marc Andrei Marcos took, he ended up being the loser.

Then the next losers, who are actually the much sore losers at this point, are his family and loved ones.

This is sad. If Andrei only had the same fear — no matter how brutal the fraternity’s initiation rites were, no matter how death-inflicting the hazing was—if he was only scared to join in the very first place, then it would not have caused him his untimely death. Or his dreams.

So much has been said about seeking justice for the victim. What most of us might have overlooked is that for any case involving death of students or even non-students through hazing, half of the blame should go to the victim. Since he submits himself, then he holds himself accountable for his own life. Not unless force, threat or intimidation incited his participation.

As it appears, no report has ever surfaced to show that unlawful means were applied to secure the victim’s participation. All we could assume then is that he went through the process with freewill. Andrei was 21 years old and came from a family of lawyers and, as someone of legal age, he might have very well known the worst of consequences that may come for him. The anti-hazing law, I’m sure, was not something new to his senses since he was a law student to begin with.

The media on the other hand has not lacked in its constant public reminder on how life may possibly come to waste with one’s participation in fraternities. In fact, this is San Beda’s second point this year as far as death of student by hazing is concerned. In a separate incident last February involving the same school, Marvin Reglos suffered severe injuries all over the body that also eventually caused him his life. And yes, he was also a law student.

It’s quite miserable that despite the law in place, and despite media’s continued reporting of previous cases from which the public was expected to reflect on and learn their lessons, we still go back to this same old story of hazing death cases.

Of course, one can’t help but also point a finger on the fraternity institutions as well. Such absurd practices that they perpetually carry on year after year, for reasons not more than just keeping a tradition, is highly unconscionable.

Seriously, what good is it when you’re into fraternity? Connection? Company? Brotherhood? Power? Palakasan? All of these, among others, are just selfish reasons to be part of one. Can you not prosper without being a member of this so-called brotherhood or sisterhood? And why do they have to inflict pain before prospects get accepted if they are meant to foster brotherhood or sisterhood ties in the first place?

While we seek answers to these questions, San Beda and other schools allowing fraternities seriously have to stop this senseless loss of life. With two fatalities in five months? That’s just so unacceptable. One case may be tolerable but two and both within five months time only? I think the college president and the dean of the law school deserve something.

Or maybe they can just sit still, do nothing. After all, the administration in San Beda knows everything about fraternities within their campus, owing their existence to “tradition.” Right, a tradition of impunity and total disregard of the law. And yet they teach law. What a shame.

And as for those who intend to join, please be scared. Otherwise, be ready with your own song of death.

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