Why the surge in AIDS patients?

AIDS isn't news to us anymore, right? We've known the existence of the disease, especially when Magic Johnson came out and admitted he was infected by the virus. That sent shockwaves all over the world, and a chill down the spine of the promiscuous heterosexuals! They could get it after all! No, it wasn't just the scourge of gays.

 According to the experts in the field of virology, AIDS has grown to epidemic proportions in the country. The number of those afflicted with the HIV virus has grown exponentially since 1984, particularly in 2006. And from 2009 to 2010, that number has doubled. And in the first three months of this year, the country has recorded its highest number of cases ever! It comes out to ten Filipinos afflicted everyday, yes, everyday. Why the sudden surge in the number of cases?

 The United Nations AIDS Watch is currently monitoring sixty-two countries with high numbers of AIDS cases. Most of these countries have had a decrease in the number of AIDS cases over the years. Except for the Philippines. And aside from the increase in the number of AIDS cases, the victims are also getting younger. The demographics are alarming. From children being born from HIV-positive mothers to teenagers acquiring the virus through sex. And if we look at the years where there seems to have been a surge in the number of cases, it was under the Arroyo administration.

 In as much as I would really like to stop putting the blame on the past administration for the current problems of the country, it really cannot be avoided. It is now apparent that the Arroyo administration was silent about addressing AIDS. Weak information dissemination. I would only guess that it did not want to earn the ire of the Catholic church by aggressively promoting safe sex through the use of condoms. If we will recall, several high ranking church officials were the beneficiaries of the PCSO. A scandal of sorts that was uncovered as the Aquino administration took over.

 This is serious. At this rate, we may join the ranks of African nations with the highest number of HIV positive persons! This must be addressed by the current administration, and addressed immediately! No longer can the attitude of "that won't happen to me" prevail. AIDS does spread, and if one is not careful, one will contract the disease. The government does not have the means to support treatment for those who are already HIV positive. What it can do is have an aggressive information campaign, especially on schools. That it is not a disease of homosexuals alone, but of everyone! Drug use, irresponsible sex, etc. Parents have to be involved as well. No one else will help us but ourselves. What we do not need is a full-blown outbreak on our hands. I cannot imagine seeing our hospitals overwhelmed with treating those afflicted.

Not a pretty sight indeed.

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