A Pinoy Perestroika? Part II

Here is a continuation of that enigmatic manifesto that has been circulating around the country that we already wrote about last Tuesday. But since it was too long, I had to continue it here today. Towards the end of this document, it spells a 10-point action plan to “Resolve, Action and Appeal” for the Filipino people for this nation to finally move forward.

To continue where we left off, on page 3 of this manifesto it says, “It is for the foregoing reasons that the incumbent regime has lost our confidence. We are convinced that it cannot and will not effectively lead the nation to a secure and prosperous future. On the contrary, in many important respects the regime is dragging the country into decline.

We therefore must act promptly, decisively, and resolutely to stop and to reverse the decline. Consequently we unite in a collective project of societal systematic change that will promote the common good of our country. We unite according to the following principles:

1. The initiative and scope of this project of life-giving transformation is national, and is not limited to Manila.

2. It has a moral foundation derived from the teachings of the various faith communities in Philippine society, and therefore entails dialogue and cooperation among these faith communities.

3. Its fundamental attitude and method is non-violent.

4. It aims for change of systems, not just change of leaders.

5. It affirms and puts into practice civilian supremacy at all times.

6. It recognizes the role of the military as protector of the people.

7. It is morally legitimized by leaders of our faith communities.

8. It draws support and participation from authentic representatives of the farmer, worker, fisherfolk, and other basic sectors of the people.

9. It respects the rights and promotes the legitimate interests of the less numerous religious and ethnic communities.

10. It is open to Federalism.

In the final paragraph is says, “We appeal to our fellow citizens to consider the plight of our country and our people, and to join us in our common task of defending democracy and building the nation in accord with the principles and specifications above.” So this is the contents of this manifesto. Now whether it will result in a Pinoy style of Perestroika… I hope it will!

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The Senate impeachment trial against Supreme Court (SC) Chief Justice Renato Corona has resumed… and naturally, the black propaganda attacks against CJ Corona has also resumed… this time focusing on the alleged $10 million bank deposits, which can no longer be brought to fore unless the impeachment complaint is changed. If the impeachment court already barred the prosecution from submitting evidence on paragraph 2.4 why can’t Pres. Benigno “Noynoy” Aquino accept this ruling? 

Hence is the problem that CJ Corona and his defense are facing… a cacophony of lies and innuendoes thrown at every opportunity they can find and it can only be countered by the truth… for when you tell the truth, there is only one story to tell. So let’s get this Senate impeachment trial over and done with as there are far more important issues we need to tackle.

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Here’s a long overdue letter than I need to print in respond to our column the other week. “Dear Bobit, Your April 28, 2012 column stated that peace negotiator Marvic Leonen agreed to replace ARMM to accommodate MILF in a political entity in lieu of giving them independent state. This is a sign of stupidity from a bankrupt idea. Can we expect ARMM as also stupid to easily relinquish their power and sovereignty? It will only aggravate the matter.

I doubt if Leonen is a true-blooded Mindananoan who knows the background for independence and before granting autonomy there was a referendum in all areas of Mindanao including Palawan to determine the territorial scope. ARMM is composed of regions who voted for the autonomy. Later, a group of ambitious Muslims organized a splinter group called MILF to be also granted the same autonomy. This became a complicated matter. It’s easy to manually point the territorial scope, but, will the people and ARMM agree? Will there be also a referendum within the areas under ARRM?

There is strong doubt that peace in Mindanao can be solved because Malacañang appointees cannot make sensible or useful advice. The only solution, I believe is; Federalism or at its worse revive the idea of Mr. Reuben Canoy- Mindanao Independent Movement. Jose Nacilla. Las Piñas City.”

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For e-mail responses to this article, write to vsbobita@mo-pzcom.com or vsbobita@gmail.com. His columns can be accessed through www.philstar.com.

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