Statement from STC Parents' Council

We, the members of the Parents’ Council Executive Board of St. Theresa’s College (STC), stand solidly behind the decision of STC to allow the concerned students involved in the recent controversy, to graduate but not to march in the commencement exercises.

Our council has been having a series of meetings on this issue since the controversy broke out. Like  STC, we had chosen to be discreet in order to contain and resolve the matter out of the public eye and protect both the school and the children involved from being dragged into the media’s glaring lights, and blowing the matter out of proportion.  In fact, STC chose to keep the matter confidential as well as  protect the identity of the girls involved.  Unfortunately, with the turn of events, STC must now come out into the open and defend itself against criticisms and false accusations.

The STC Board of Trustees Chairperson, Rev.Fr. Ernesto Javier, SJ, said “commencement is not just a social gathering. It means that the school publicly certifies that the students have fulfilled all the requirements of the school and have lived the values that the school stands for.  It is the school’s certification to the world that these students are our products.  They have met all the requirements and exemplified in their lives the religious and moral values that the school stand for.”  These words bring to light the significance of the graduation rites.

Schooling is a pathway to life, hence we carefully choose the school for our daughters.  We choose a school that meets our expectations, and the school accepts us but with conditions.  In our case, we chose St. Theresa’s College to be our partner in nurturing and shaping our daughters.  STC in turn accepted us and expects us to follow their rules and regulations.

Upon enrollment, we parents sign in the STC student’s handbook that we will conform with the rules and regulations of the school.  The STC vision-mission is not for our daughters to memorize but for us parents too.  As parents, we have to help our daughters 24/7. It does not mean a double standard life…one for the school campus and the other for the outside school world!  Living STC’s vision-mission is also living the word of God.

St. Theresa’s College (STC) Parents’ Council is not going to “look the other way” with this on-going controversy of the five graduating students who were barred from joining the commencement exercises.  The STC Parents’ Council is proud of  St. Theresa’s College decision and we reiterate our full support for STC, the school of our children.

We, as parents, are happy and confident that STC also takes on a motherly role of proper discipline over her erring children both fairly and firmly, yet with respect and dignity.

We also would like to take this opportunity to thank St. Theresa’s  College for upholding Christian values yet being humanitarian. We are happy and proud that our daughters are students of STC, and we thank the Lord for giving us St. Theresa’s College.

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